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Director's Corner

Welcome to the Innovative Program Delivery (IPD) Website. It is sponsored by the Office of Innovative Program Delivery, which was established by the Federal Highway Administration in October 2008 to help State and local transportation agencies explore innovative strategies for delivering transportation services and to implement them when it makes sense to do so. Our focus is on important, complex and costly projects that have great potential to deliver enormous public benefits, but nonetheless face serious funding constraints.

I am happy to report that the site, which was launched in October 2009, is now complete. It offers an integrated approach to exploring innovations for project finance, revenue generation, and procurement. These innovations hold the promise of helping to accelerate project delivery or, in some cases, making the project financially viable. This site is intended to help decision-makers and practitioners better understand the benefits, as well as the possible shortcomings, of these innovative strategies. It will be a learning site where a user that comes with a question will be guided through the site (and to other external sites as appropriate) to obtain a comprehensive package of "food for thought." Our goal is to encourage and support well-informed local decision-making by putting the facts on the table.

I think you'll find the site easy to navigate, so I will leave it to you to discover its features. I do, however, want to highlight two sections that you might find of particular interest. If you want to learn more about the IPD Office and its functions, please check out the "How the IPD Office Does Business" section. And, if you want to learn about upcoming conferences or training opportunities, click on "Meetings and Events." Additionally, I plan to post new notes at this location as events dictate. Also, you will find postings from guest contributors at this site.

Before closing, I want to make an important observation. While the IPD Office resides in FHWA, it has a decidedly multi-modal focus. You will find it to be an excellent resource for learning not only about innovations in delivering highway projects, but also innovations in delivering transit and rail projects as well as intermodal projects. We are developing productive partnerships with our sister modes, including the Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Railroad Administration. In addition, we are forging a strong partnership with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' Center for Excellence in Project Finance - a link to which appears at the top of every webpage.

Thank you for visiting our IPD Website. I hope you, our customers, will find the site useful. I welcome your feedback, so please don't hesitate to contact me.

Regina McElroy
Office of Innovative Program Delivery