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How the IPD Office Does Business...


The IPD Office is organized into five teams as shown in the figure below. It includes four program-oriented teams and a team to support the administrative, financial, and contracting functions of the office.

The Program Development Team provides the vehicles used to deliver programs and services from throughout the office. It is responsible for outreach and awareness, capacity building, research, and development of policy and legislation.

The Strategic Delivery Team houses programs to advance the understanding and refinement of innovative procurement and revenue generation strategies, including road pricing and public-private partnerships. The team also assists our customers with a wide range of project finance options, including State Infrastructure Banks (SIBs) and Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVEEs). The goal is to develop, within the community, an understanding of the available options and to assist practitioners and decision-makers in developing a plan of finance for a program or project that appropriately takes advantage of them. In addition to responding to requests for technical assistance, support provided by the office includes the provision of on-going assistance for select major projects facing funding challenges as well as targeted assistance to States that are just getting started in implementing innovative project or program delivery strategies.

The Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Joint Program Office (JPO) provides loans, lines of credit, and loan guarantees to support surface transportation projects of national and regional significance. The TIFIA JPO brings a unique perspective to the IPD Office as it directly partners with States and private entities to advance projects. It also works closely with the financial community to advance these projects, thereby forging important relationships that facilitate the achievement of office-wide objectives.

The Project Delivery Team was formerly known as the Major Projects Team and was part of FHWA's Office of Infrastructure. As part of the IPD Office it carries out the agency's legislatively required stewardship responsibilities regarding major projects (those with total costs over $500 million). This includes cost estimate reviews and oversight of financial and project management plans. This team brings a high level of experience and understanding of the issues impacting delivery of major projects. The team is also responsible for executing the Critical Project Review process where projects with innovative elements can receive assistance in navigating new and challenging legislative and regulatory terrain.

The Office structure also includes an Office Director who provides overall leadership and a Senior Advisor responsible for strategic planning, Special Experimental Program 15 (SEP-15), and providing overall guidance to office staff and cross-cutting assistance to our partners. The Senior Advisor also undertakes special projects that require a broad, integrated perspective.