U.S. Department of Justice

Health and Safety in the Prison Environment

Publication year: 1991 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 009714


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  • 1991
  • 67 pages.

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The purpose of this four-hour training seminar is to orient all new health care employees to, and refresh existing employees in, health and safety issues that will reduce staff and inmate risk of exposure to environmental hazards, communicable diseases and physical injury. Three components of the training are: 1) safety; 2) communicable diseases; and 3) sanitation. The teaching format is comprised of lecture, discussion, active participation, and testing. The training package consists of a one-volume, loose-leaf manual that contains lesson plans, a packet of information for participants, a written test, text for overheads, and reviews of two videos on AIDS infection and universal precautions for health care personnel.

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