Sand dunes dominate the landscape in the North Algodones Dunes Wilderness Area.
Wild Burros Trona Pinnacles A field of California Poppies and other widflowers Desert Tortoise Wild Horses
BLM>California>Ridgecrest>Barren Ridge
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Ridgecrest Field Office

Barren Ridge Transmission Project (CACA 48871)

The following diagram shows the current progress for this proposed project with links to applicable project-related documents. The colored bar in the center indicates the items that have been completed or are currently underway.


                        Federal Coordination Process              

- Right-of-Way Grant

Record of Decision -  
  -  Notification of Final EIS

  Publication of Final EIS -

  - Public Comment Period
Notice of Availability of Draft EIS -  
Notice of Intent -  

Project Vitals

Proposed Location: Kern and Los Angeles Counties, California

Technology: 230-kilovolt trasnmission line

Company: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Length: The Barren Ridge Renewable Transmission Project would extend 76 miles from the Barren Ridge Switching Station to Rinaldi Substation and extend 12 miles from the Castaic Power Plant to the proposed Haskell Canyon Switching Area.  The proposed action on BLM managed land has 3 parts: (1) to issue a new right-of-way to create 4 miles of new transmisison line, (2) to allow re-conductoring of an existing transmission line on an exitsing 4 mile right-of-way, and (3) to allow placing cables on existing towers on an existing right-of-way for approximately 300 feet.

Status: The Final Environmental Impact Statement has been released and is avilable to the public

Public Comment: The public comment period for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement ended October 25, 2011.  Comments were addressed and responded to in the Final Environmental Impact Statement.  There is currently no public comment period.

Public Comments

During the public review period, written comments concerning the adequacy of the Draft EIS/EIR may be submitted in various ways. Comments must be submitted by Oct. 25, 2011. Following the public review period, written responses will be prepared for inclusion in the Final EIS/EIR.

Please submit written comments to the following: BRRTP--Forest Service/BLM/LADWP, c/o POWER Engineers, Inc., 731 Ball Road, Suite 100, Anaheim, CA 92805

For other ways of submitting comments please visit LA Dept of Water & Power

Public Meetings and Hearings

Five public meetings will be conducted on the dates, times, and locations listed below. The public meetings will inform the public about the proposed project and alternatives that were analyzed in the EIS/EIR and provide an opportunity for agencies, organizations, and interested individuals to provide written comments on the adequacy of the Draft EIS/EIR. The meetings will include an “open house” from 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 pm with a formal presentation at 7 pm.

September 20, 2011    
Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union School
16633 Elizabeth Lakes Road
Lake Hughes, CA 93532
September 21, 2011    
Mojave Veterans Building, Room 1
15580 “O” Street
Mojave, CA 93501
September 27, 2011    
Agua Dulce Elementary School
11311 W. Frascati Street
Agua Dulce, CA 91390
September 28, 2011    
Santa Clarita Activity Center
20880 Centre Pointe Parkway
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
September 29, 2011    
Leona Valley Elementary School
9063 West Leona Avenue
Leona Valley, CA 93536

Future meetings, hearings and any other public involvement activities will be announced at least 15 days in advance through public notices, media releases, and/or mailings.

For more information, contact the Bureau of Land Management California Desert District Office, Lynnette Elser (951) 697-5233.

Authorization Documents

Record of Decision, 9/24/12
Appendix A - Biological Opinion
Appendix B - Programmatic Agreement
Appendix C - Mitigation Measures
Appendix D - Compliance Monitoring Plan

Final EIS

This document is available for viewing on the following site:

LA Dept of Water and Power


Draft EIS

This document is available for viewing on the following site:

LA Dept of Water and Power

Historic Preservation - Section 106
A Citizen's Guide to Section 106
Reasonable and Good Faith Efforts
Related Links
Notice of Intent
BLM CDD Transmission Website
Understanding the NEPA Process

Bureau of Land Management
Ridgecrest Field Office
300 S. Richmond Rd.
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Phone: (760) 384-5400
Fax: (760) 384-5499
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., M-F
Contact us by Email