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The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) works in Bolivia since 1964 implementing cooperation programs distributed along the country’s nine geographic departments.

USAID/Bolivia’s program supports the Government of Bolivia´s National Development Plan.  The agency works with the national Government, local governments, private sector, micro and small enterprises, farmers and the people to reach an equitable and sustainable development for the benefit of Bolivian families.


Health Program

USAID/Bolivia’s Health program fully supports the Government of Bolivia´s Health Sector Strategy to reduce exclusion of the rural, indigenous population from health system.  The program’s objective is fully consistent with U.S. President Obama’s Global Health Initiative.

The Health Program addresses the need to strengthen all levels of the health system to respond to the health needs of a diverse Bolivian population.  It has an explicit focus on the reduction of social exclusion from healthcare and addresses the need for equity of access and cultural acceptability.  It also builds on the experiences of former USAID/Bolivia’s Health Strategy. 

A Demographic and Health Survey carried out in Bolivia shows that the indicator of Mortality under 5 has improved, from 75 per 1,000 live births in 2003, to 63 per 1,000 live births in 2008.  The indicator of Infant Mortality, which was of 54 per 1,000 live births in 2003, went also down to 50 per 1,000 live births in 2008.

To continue supporting Public Policies that improve people’s health, USAID seeks to strengthen the Ministry of Health’s stewardship by helping to develop tools to effectively implement policies.

The Program is implemented through a three-pronged strategy to achieve the following results:

  • Operations systems and participatory management strengthened at all levels of the health system
  • Access to a quality of intercultural healthcare increased and improved
  • Underserved rural population empowered to seek/obtain culturally appropriate health services

 Sustainable Development and Environment Program

USAID has an integrated program aimed at improving livelihoods of economically and socially disadvantaged people through sustainable income generation and natural resources management activities.
Specific initiatives in this area aim at increasing economic opportunities, agricultural productivity and food security, expand access to essential social services, improve and maintain rural roads, promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources to increase incomes and promote economic growth, improve the competitiveness and productivity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; and strengthen Bolivia’s ability to respond to the challenges posed by climate change.

USAID’s Sustainable Development and Environment Program (SDE) implements its activities in eight out of nine departments of Bolivia (106 municipalities.)  It supports the National Development Plan’s Opportunity and Dignity Pillars. The specific activities seek to:

  • Increase economic opportunities, agricultural productivity and food security.
  • Expand access to essential social services (potable water, sanitation, health and education).
  • Improve and maintain rural roads.
  • Promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources to increase incomes and promote economic growth.
  • Improve the competitiveness and productivity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and of their service providers to generate sustainable employment opportunities and increase sales.
  • Strengthen Bolivia’s ability to respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change.
  U.S. Embassy Bolivia
  USAID / Washington
Last update: 11/7/2012