U.S. Department of Justice

From Inception to Implementation: How SACPA Has Affected the Case Processing and Sentencing of Drug Offenders in One California County

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Aug. 26, 2008

Library ID

  • 023248

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  • 2008
  • 302 pages.

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  • From Inception to Implementation: How SACPA Has Affected the Case Processing and Sentencing of Drug Offenders in One California County

ANNOTATION: A case study approach is used "to determine how [California's] drug offender case processing and sentencing patterns changed as a result of SACPA [Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act] and to examine how the criminal justice system responded to this legislation" (p. 2). Seven chapters follow an abstract and introduction: the law and the literature; research design and methodology; Proposition 36 (aka SACPA) and the Orange County experience; impact on law enforcement officers and agencies; impact on the court system and courtroom actors; impact on offender sentencing and corrections; and summary and conclusions. It appears that the opinions held by "street level bureaucrats" regarding SACPA determines whether they "circumvent and/or diminish the effect of this law" or comply with its intentions.

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