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Governance of the Health Indicators Warehouse

The Health Indicators Warehouse (HIW) serves as both a vital data source to meet the needs of National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) clients and the data hub of the HHS Community Health Data Initiative. The development and maintenance of the HIW, including construction of new indicators and management of the web site, is the ongoing work of an NCHS production team that includes analysts, programmers, and contracted database and web staff. Because of its critical role for multiple programs and initiatives, as well as resource limitations and expanding demands for new indicators, a governance structure that ensures consistent decision making, minimum data quality standards, and clear priorities is essential.

Our plans for a governance structure include broad oversight and direction from the NCHS Board of Scientific Counselors, and two interrelated working groups making operational decisions. The responsibilities of these two groups will be: 1) To establish statistical standards for the inclusion of indicators in the warehouse; and 2) To establish priorities for the addition, modification, or deletion of indicators. We also plan to establish an on-line community of practice, with an annual in-person users group meeting, to ensure ongoing user engagement and input.

More details on the governance structure will be forthcoming.

Propose Indicators

To submit a proposal for new indicators, please fill out the information below. You may also fill out non-electronic forms in the sidebar on the right. Once this form is complete, you will be able to enter indicator specific information for one or more indicators you wish to propose.

Data Source

Select a data source for your proposed indicator(s). If the data source is not available, you may create a new data source.


Please answer yes or no to whether each of the following will be provided. (Any answer of no will mean that the indicator cannot be included in the HIW.):

If not applicable, please explain:


Population to which most indicator(s) can be generalized:


What is the level of geographic detail the indicator will provide (check all that apply)?

Data Frequency

What years or periods of data are proposed? If supplying data for multiple years or periods of the indicators, please list all years or periods proposed for inclusion in the HIW and specify the time unit used. If this differs by indicator please specify on the individual indicator pages

Years or Periods:


Designated contact who can answer questions on this submission.

Phone number:
Best time/method to reach contact:

An HIW team member will contact you within 10 working days regarding your submission. If your proposal is accepted, you will be asked for additional documentation that will be included in the HIW on the profile pages that describes each of your indicators. Please see indicator profile pages and data source pages for the types of information that will be required. Also see the indicator data template and indicator definition template on this website. Accepted submissions will be required to use these templates to submit data and descriptive data.