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National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)

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  • VA Comparative Effectiveness Research - Meeting held in September 2009. Contains agenda and links to speaker bios.
  • VA Data Sources - Links to data sources and data sets within the VA. Includes instructions on how to request permission to access VA data.
  • VA Health Services Research and Development Service - VA's Health Services Research and Development Service (HSR&D), works to identify and evaluate innovative strategies that lead to accessible, high quality, cost-effective care for veterans and the nation.
  • VA Hospital Compare and ASPIRE - Key elements of the VA's transparency initiative involve public presentation of health system and facility data about quality of care and safety. Examples include VA's Hospital Compare website, which provides outcomes and process data for selected diagnoses, and the ASPIRE dashboard, which reports quality and safety goals for all VA hospitals.
  • VA HSR&D - A majority of the VA's research portfolio involves CER, studying CER questions that relate to organization and delivery of care.
  • VA HSR&D Early Post-doctoral Opportunities for Clinicians and Non-clinicians - Postdoctoral training programs for clinicians and non-clinicians in health services research and medical informatics.
  • VA HSR&D Emerging Evidence - Emerging Evidence periodically presents results on a single subject gleaned from the Final Reports of completed VA HSR&D studies. Access various results.
  • VA HSR&D Successful Implementations - This page links to several examples of HSR&D research and collaborative efforts with clinical and operational partners that have had an impact on the health care system and ultimately on the quality of healthcare for Veterans.
  • VA HSR&D Training Opportunities - Training opportunities in HSR at the VA.
  • VA Information Resource Center - VIReC develops and disseminates knowledge about databases of interest to VA researchers; provides service to researchers who require information about data resources specific to their research; and represents interests of researchers regarding VA databases and information systems.
  • VA National Quality Scholars - Mission is to offer scholars opportunities to be leaders who can apply knowledge and methods of health care improvement to the care of veterans; innovate and continually improve health care; teach health professionals about health care improvement; and, perform research and develop new knowledge for the ongoing improvement of the quality and value of health care services.
  • VA's HSR&D's 2012 QUERI Meeting, February 2012 - The 2012 conference theme, "Transforming Veteran Healthcare through Partner-Oriented Research," was selected because of HSR&D/QUERI's commitment to examining best practices in implementing state-of-the-art healthcare for Veterans.
  • VA/HSR&D's Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) - Mission is to enhance the quality and outcomes of VA health care by systematically implementing clinical research findings and evidence-based recommendations into routine clinical practice.
  • Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems - Member-owned organization devoted to improving the health status of communities throughout Vermont.
  • Video: National Health Council-PCORI (February 2012) - In February 2012, the National Health Council held its annual Voluntary Health Leadership Conference in San Diego, California. Joe Selby, MD, MPH, Executive Director of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, was interviewed by the NHC about how better information gleaned through comparative effectiveness research can lead to better health decisions.
  • Virginia Health Information (VHI) - A nonprofit that provides Virginia-centered health information. Qualifying organizations can license data files (e.g., Virginia hospital discharge data, Annual Licensure Survey Data from hospitals, nursing facilities and ambulatory surgical centers) for research-specific projects or for general public use.
  • Virtual Classroom - Online tutorials on proposal writing and research funding.
  • Vulnerable Populations: Physicians Highlight Overlooked Connection Between Social Needs and Health - In this national survey of primary care providers and pediatricians, 85 percent believe that unmet social needs - things like access to nutritious food, reliable transportation and adequate housing - are leading directly to worse health for all Americans.