On June 15, 2012, the Obama Administration announced that it would offer many DREAM Act-eligible youth temporary relief through “deferred action.” The memorandum offers hope to many eligible young adults by providing a work permit. The State of Illinois is home to over 75,000 DREAM Act-eligible youth. The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) and the Illinois Department of Human Services have launched the DREAMRELIEF Campaign to serve these young adults.

RT @UnivisionNews: RT @UnivisionNews: Anatomy of a Deferred-Action Dream http://t.co/gl1Dzd1s (via @wsj)

Updated by @unitngamerica

Recent Updates


Highland Park High School Group Help Session

On Saturday, October 20th Highland Park High School in collaboration with ICIRR will host an Informational Session and an Application Walk-through Session helping up to 40 youth and parents.  The Informational Sessions will begin at 1:00pm, and the Application Walk-through will begin at 2:30pm.  To be part of these help sessions, you must register to reserve a spot. Once you register, it is optional to attend the Informational Session if you have attended one recently.

Informational Sessions ARE large group sessions where

DREAMers can

  1.  learn what Deferred Action involves and how the process will work
  2. learn what documents they need and how to get them
  3. learn about red flags that might hurt their applications, and
  4. ask questions to an attorney or BIA-accredited individual in a group setting.  Group Help Sessions are an important first step that is entirely free to the public.

In addition, Application Walk-through sessions ARE large group sessions where DREAMers can

  1. review the application question-by-question
  2. learn how the questions apply to them
  3. ask questions to an attorney or BIA-accredited individual in a group setting.

Informational Sessions ARE NOT an opportunity to get final legal review of your application.  You will not receive final legal review or one-on-one help of any kind at an Informational Session, but you will learn how and where to get that legal review if you desire it.

***Remember: There is no deadline to apply for deferred action. We recommend that you take your time, collect all required documents and fill out the application completely and correctly.


October 20th, 2012 1:00 PM   through   4:00 PM
433 Vine Avenue
Room: A342
Highland Park, IL 60035

Register here



El sábado 20 de octubre Highland Park High School en colaboración con ICIRR proporcionarán un Taller Informativo y un Taller Explicando la Solicitud. Esperamos ayudar hasta 40 jóvenes y sus padres. El Taller Informativo empezara a la 1:00pm y el Taller Explicando la Solicitud empezara a las 2:30pm. Para participar en estos talleres necesita registrarse para apartar su lugar. Si usted ya participo en un Taller Informativo, tiene la opción de solamente asistir al Taller Explicando la Solicitud.

Los Tallares Informativos SON talleres compuestos de grupos grandes de gente donde los SOÑADORES pueden

  1. aprender que implica la Acción Diferida y como el proceso se lleva acabo
  2. aprender que documentos ocuparan y donde conseguirlos
  3. aprender sobre los peligros que pudieran perjudicar su solicitud y
  4. hacerle preguntas a un abogado o a un individuo acreditado por el BIA, en el contexto de un grupo grande (no preguntas específicas a su caso). Estos talleres son un primer paso muy importante y son totalmente gratuitos para la comunidad.

Tambien, los Talleres Explicando la Solicitud SON talleres compuestos de grupos grandes de gente donde los SOÑADORES pueden

  1. repasar la solicitud pregunta por pregunta
  2. aprender como las preguntas se relacionan a su caso en particular
  3. hacerle preguntas a un abogado o a un individuo acreditado por el BIA, en el contexto de un grupo grande (no preguntas específicas a su caso).

Los talleres informativos NO SON una oportunidad para recibir un reviso legal de su solicitud antes de enviarla. Usted no recibirá un reviso legal final o cualquier otra ayuda legal individual durante los talleres informativos. Pero si aprenderá como y donde conseguir la ayuda legal que desee.

***Recuerde: No existe una fecha límite para solicitar la acción diferida. Le recomendamos que se tome su tiempo, reúna todos sus documentos y llene la solicitud en su totalidad y correctamente.


October 20th, 2012 1:00 PM   - 4:00 PM
433 Vine Avenue
Room: A342
Highland Park, IL 60035

Registrate Aqui


UIC Deferred Action Help Session

The University of Illinois at Chicago and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights will host 3 group help sessions on Saturday, October 27, 2012.

To be part of this help session, you must register to reserve a spot.

Group Help Sessions ARE large group sessions where DREAMers can

  • fill out their applications step-by-step
  • learn what documents they need and how to get them
  • learn about red flags that might hurt their applications, and
  • ask questions of an attorney or BIA-accredited individual in a group setting.  Group Help Sessions are an important first step that is entirely free to the public.

Group Help Sessions ARE NOT an opportunity to get final legal review of your application.  You will not receive final legal review or one-on-one help of any kind at a Group Help Session, but you will learn how and where to get that legal review if you desire it.

Location: Student Services Building (SSB) (corner of Harrison & Racine)
1200 W. Harrison St. 
Chicago, IL 60607 
Conference Rooms AB & C.1st floor



Skokie Group Help Session

Oakton Community College, Latinos in Skokie and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights will bring a group help session to residents of Skokie, IL. Register to learn more about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and be guided through the application with an attorney.

On Saturday, October 27th, Oakton Community College, Latinos in Skokie, and the Illinois Coailtion for Immigrant and Refugee Rights will host a help session in Skokie helping up to 75 youth and parents.  This help session will run from 10am-12pm.  To be part of this help session, you must register to reserve a spot.  

Group Help Sessions ARE large group sessions where DREAMers can

  1. fill out their applications step-by-step
  2. learn what documents they need and how to get them
  3. learn about red flags that might hurt their applications, and
  4. ask questions of an attorney or BIA-accredited individual in a group setting.  Group Help Sessions are an important first step that is entirely free to the public.

Group Help Sessions ARE NOT an opportunity to get final legal review of your application.  You will not receive final legal review or one-on-one help of any kind at a Group Help Session, but you will learn how and where to get that legal review if you desire it.

If you aren’t able to reserve a spot, please know that there will be future help sessions throughout the Chicagoland area.

Remember: There is no deadline to apply for deferred action. We recommend that you take your time, collect all required documents and fill out the application completely and correctly.

Location: Oakton Community College - Room C120 
7701 North Lincoln Avenue 
Skokie, IL 60077

Register here. 

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