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Service Centers and Public Liaisons

Each bureau has a FOIA Public Liaison who can assist individuals in locating records particular to a bureau.

FOIA Public Liaisons report to the Department’s Chief FOIA Officer and serve as supervisory officials to whom a requester can raise concerns about the service the requester has received.

FOIA Public Liaisons are responsible for assisting in reducing delays, increasing transparency and understanding of the status of requests, and assisting in the resolution of disputes.

Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) for assistance. OGIS serves as a bridge between requesters and agencies, particularly in situations where clear, direct communication has been lacking. You can reach OGIS by e-mail at, by phone at 1-877-684-6448, or by fax at (202) 741-5769.

Bureau/Office FOIA Requester Service Center
Phone Number
FOIA Public Liaison/Phone Number
BIA (202) 208-4174 Laura Cloud                    
(202) 208-4542
BLM (202) 912-7650 Laura Bell                       
(202) 912-7562
BOEM (703) 787-1315
Rosemary Melendy
(703) 787-1315
BOR (303) 445-2056
Regina Magno-Judd
(303) 445-2056
BSEE (703) 787-1689
Debbie Kimball
(703) 787-1689
FWS (703) 358-2504
Johnny Hunt
(703) 358-2504
NPS (202) 354-1925
Charis Wilson
(303) 969-2959
OIG (703) 487-5438
Sandra Evans
(703) 487-2436
ONRR (303) 231-3078
Richard Lopez
(303) 231-3078
OSM (303) 293-5081
Dele Awoniyi (Acting) (202) 208-5840
OS (202) 513-0765
Clarice Julka
(202) 208-6045
SOL (202) 208-6503
Lance Purvis (Acting)
(202) 208-5817
OST (505) 816-1645 Veronica Herkshan
(505) 816-1645
USGS (703) 648-7196
David Newman
(703) 648-7196
Service Center


1 (888) 603-7119 Cindy Cafaro
Melissa Allen
(202) 208-5342
(202) 208-5412

Disclaimer: To the extent that anything included on the DOI FOIA website may be or could be construed as inconsistent with the law or DOI's regulations, the law and regulations will control DOI's responsibilities under the FOIA.