FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2000-29 Meridith Mitchell Named Principal Associate General Counsel Washington, DC, March 13, 2000 -- Securities and Exchange Commission General Counsel David Becker today named Meridith Mitchell Principal Associate General Counsel. In her new position, Ms. Mitchell will be part of the senior management team that provides legal and policy advice to the Commission. Ms. Mitchell, who currently serves as Senior Counselor to the General Counsel, will assume her new duties immediately. SEC General Counsel David Becker said, "I am delighted Meridith has agreed to become Principal Associate General Counsel. Meridith has been a key adviser on many important Commission initiatives in recent years. Her sound advice has been invaluable to the Commission's efforts to evaluate and address important and novel issues that have impacted our securities markets. The Commission is quite fortunate to have someone of Meridith's caliber contributing to the development of Commission policies." Ms. Mitchell joined the Commission's Office of General Counsel in 1992 as a staff attorney. During her tenure, she was promoted to Special Counsel, then later to Assistant General Counsel. In addition, in 1998, Ms. Mitchell served as Counsel to Commissioner Paul Carey. Prior to joining the Commission, Ms. Mitchell was an attorney specializing in corporate and securities law at the law firm of Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen in Philadelphia. In her eight years at the Commission, Ms. Mitchell has worked on many of the major policy initiatives that the Commission has undertaken. Most recently she was part of the team that developed the new audit committee disclosure requirements. In addition, she was a staff member of the Commission's Advisory Committee on the Capital Formation and Regulatory Processes. Ms. Mitchell has received several awards while at the Commission, including the 1999 SEC Law and Policy Award for her contributions on the Glass-Steagall Reform Team and the 1999 SEC Capital Markets Award for her involvement on the Earnings Management Team. Ms. Mitchell, 37, is a graduate of Columbia Law School and Oberlin College. # # #