For Immediate Release 2000-127 SEC Approves Electronic Filing for Investment Advisers, Amendments to Form ADV Washington, DC, September 12, 2000 -- The Securities and Exchange Commission today adopted new rules that will bring one-stop electronic filing to investment advisers. Beginning in January 2001, advisers registered with the Commission will submit their registration forms (and other filings) electronically through the "IARD" -- the Investment Adviser Registration Depository. The IARD is a web-based filing system that will permit advisers to make filings with the SEC and state regulators electronically from personal computers in their offices. Information advisers file through the IARD will form a database on investment advisers that will be available free of charge to investors through the Internet. Investors will be able to search the database to get current information about advisers, including the services they provide, fees they charge, their conflicts of interest and disciplinary history (if any). The Commission also voted to update Form ADV, the investment adviser registration form. The Commission decided to defer further action on its proposal to amend the requirements for the brochures that all advisers are required to provide to clients. The rules and rule amendments take effect on October 10, 2000. A pilot group of approximately 100 volunteer advisory firms will begin filing through the IARD in October 2000. Advisers currently registered with the SEC must transition to electronic filing, by amending their Form ADVs electronically through the IARD, between January 1 - April 31, 2001. New applicants for SEC adviser registration must file electronically after January 1, 2001. Information about the IARD system, including the rules and rule amendments the Commission has adopted, is available at