U.S. Department of Justice

Jail Site Evaluation and Selection

Publication year: 2006 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 021280


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  • 2006
  • 16 pages.

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Guidance is provided for successfully identifying, evaluating, and selecting jail sites. This bulletin contains the following sections: case study -- why systematic jail site selection is important; the SEQRA (state environmental quality review act) model; preliminary considerations; five-step site selection process; case study -- the cost of overreacting to public concerns; case study -- an example of rural site selection; case study -- an example of jail expansion on an urban site; case study -- a good neighbor by design; case study -- creative solutions to public concerns; case study -- connecting the jail to the courthouse; and conclusion. Appendixes include a sample site selection evaluation form and a sample key data display.

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