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Tribal webinars promote renewable resources, technologies

Considering the vast renewable resources on tribal land, it makes sense that Western sees partnership and cooperation potential with Native American communities looking to invest in renewable generation projects.

Western’s Renewable Resources program is responsible for advancing the voluntary use of renewable energy among its firm electric service customers, who now include more than 100 tribes. In 2011, Western established a strategic partnership with the Department of Energy’s Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs and the Tribal Energy Program to share information about renewable energy technology with tribes across our 15-state service area with the primary goal of moving renewable energy projects forward on tribal land.

Operations Study provides alternatives for discussion

A new study released Aug. 9 represents the culmination of a year-long study of Western’s operations. The Western Operations Study report offers a range of more than 30 alternatives that could improve how we operate.

In summer 2011, senior managers decided the time was right to take a detailed look at Western’s operations to ensure we are being good stewards of the resources entrusted to us by operating as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Western seeks comments on Hermosa wind farm project environmental review

Western announced Oct. 5, it is hosting two public hearings and seeking comments on the draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Hermosa West Wind Farm Project.

The Hermosa West Wind Energy Project is proposed by Shell WindEnergy to interconnect up to 300 megawatts of wind energy south of Laramie and north of the state line near Tie Siding in Albany County, Wyo. The proposed wind farm would include up to 200 wind turbines on an 11,125-acre site. Now we’re seeking your comments on the draft EIS.

Energy Deputy Secretary speaks with Western employees

In a spontaneous visit to Colorado Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman made a quick stop by Western’s Corporate Services Office in Lakewood, Sept. 14 to speak with employees.

“I’m not really hear to talk; I’m here to answer any questions you have on your mind,” Poneman said.

Rim Rock Wind farm celebrates with opening ceremony

Rim Rock wind farm powered up 140 turbines on Aug. 31. To recognize the feat, NaturEner held an opening ceremony on Sept. 14 with hundreds of people in attendance to celebrate overcoming the considerable challenges in making the wind farm a reality.

Estes-Flatiron Project scoping process extended  

Western is extending the Estes-to-Flatiron Substation Transmission Lines Rebuild Project environmental impact statement public scoping process for a second time through Oct. 19. The extension provides additional opportunities for the public to provide comments and identify issues, opportunities and concerns that should be considered in the draft EIS.

Western proposes to upgrade and co-locate two aging transmission lines in the area onto one right of way. Upgrading these lines is necessary to comply with safety standards; ensure reliable and cost effective electricity in Estes Park, Loveland and along the Front Range in Colorado; and provide accessibility for maintenance and emergencies.

Several workshops are scheduled Oct. 2 to 4. See the press release for more details. Comments received will be considered in defining the scope of the EIS. In order to ensure consideration in the Draft EIS, all comments must be received before the end of the scoping period.

Enbridge repays Federal Transmission Infrastructure Program loan on Montana Alberta Tie-Line Project

Enbridge Inc. announced the repayment of the approximately $151 million principal outstanding under the $161 million Transmission Infrastructure Program loan granted in 2009 by Western to help kick start construction of MATL.

 Read the news release on Enbridge's website.

Operations Study webinar available

Western hosted a webinar for customers Aug. 16 to allow its consultant, Miracorp, to discuss the process they followed to create the report and also define Western's next steps. Learn more about the study on the Operations page.

 Western welcomes new Acting Administrator

Anita Decker, Chief Operating Officer at the Bonneville Power Administration

On Aug. 15, the Department of Energy announced that Anita Decker, Chief Operating Officer at the Bonneville Power Administration, will serve up to a four-month detail as Acting Administrator of Western. She starts Aug. 20 and will work out of the Administrator's office at the Corporate Services Office in Lakewood, Colo.

“This is a great development opportunity for Anita and for Western. I have worked with her closely over the years as a fellow Power Marketing Administration COO, and I am excited to have her come on board. Anita brings a wealth of experience, professionalism and new perspectives. I am confident she will carry out Western's essential functions and services in support of our mission,” said Montoya, who will return to his COO position.

“I also want to thank customers for their support during my detail,” he added. “I enjoyed working with you.”

Anita’s focus will be to support and carry on Western’s core mission of delivering cost-based, renewable, non-carbon-emitting Federal hydropower to our firm electric service customers. I’m honored by the chance to work with Western’s leadership team at a key time as they go through the process of hiring a new administrator.  I will gain from the experience and bring a different perspective back to BPA when I return,” Decker said.

Decker has served as COO for the BPA since 2007. Before this position, she spent 27 years with PacifiCorp, rising to the role of vice president. As COO she has responsibility for BPA’s Power Services; Transmission Services; Environment, Fish and Wildlife; Energy Efficiency; Customer Service and Internal Business services.

Decker earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from Utah Valley University and completed a senior business leadership program through the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. She is also a graduate of the European Institute for Business Administration, also known as INSEAD, advanced management program in Fontainebleau, France.

See her full biography at

If you have questions, contact the Corporate Communications office at 720-962-7050 or

Western shares study of current power system operations

Western released an operations study report Aug. 9. The study was created by an independent consultant, Miracorp, to evaluate its current power system operations and provide alternatives to consider as Western strives to operate efficiently and effectively in a dynamically changing environment. Read more on the Operations Study page.