U.S. Department of Justice

Trends in U.S. Corrections

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: May. 22, 2012

Library ID

  • 026020

Other Information

  • 2012
  • 7 pages

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This is a nice set of charts showing various correctional trends. Charts show: state and federal prions population, 1925-2010; federal and state prison population, by offense, 2010; number of people in federal prisons for drug offenses, 1980.2010; number of people in prisons and jails for drug offenses, 1980 and 2010; population under control of the U.S. corrections system by facility type, 1980 and 2010; international rates of incarceration, 2011; lifetime likelihood of imprisonment; number of women in federal and state prisons, 1980-2010; rate of incarceration per 100,0000, by gender, race, and ethnicity, 2010; highest and lowest state incarceration rates (per 100,000); people in state and federal prisons, by race and ethnicity, 2010; number of people serving life sentences, 1981-2008; number of people serving life without parole sentences, 1992-2008; number of juveniles held I adult prisons and jails, 1985-2010; and state expenditures on corrections, 1985-2010.

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