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Nanomanufacturing Portal

Programs and Projects
Manipulating the Position and Orientation of Nanoparticles using Feedback Control

To advance the development of miniaturized systems, there is a need to place nanostructured materials in very precise locations. Only then can … more

Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers

One of the major obstacles to incorporating nanotechnology into everyday products is the difficulty of making nanoscale structures inexpensively … more

Novel Sources for Focused-ion Beams

Focused beams of ions have a wide range of uses, from nanoscale imaging to the fabrication of nanomaterials.  At the CNST, researchers … more

Real-Time Tracking and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Individual Nanoparticles

The behavior and properties of macroscale objects are stable and predictable because they are the result of the average behavior of very large … more

Nanoparticle Tracking for Fluidic Self Assembly

One challenge of nanomanufacturing is to establish methods to assemble solution-based nanoparticles into organized structures with nanometer … more

Modeling and Simulation of Nanofabrication

Most manufacturing has historically been based on top-down fabrication and assembly.  With rapid advances in nanotechnology, there is … more

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