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Click for full size ORNL Review Cover Vol. 43, No. 1, 2010
Click for a full size image of the ORNL Review cover.


Delivering The Science

Volume 43, Number 1, 2010 of the ORNL REVIEW is
available here in Adobe PDF format. (7.02 Mb) PDF Format

Front Cover: Cover design by Andy Sproles.

This issue of the Review is dedicated to the programs in a portion of the Laboratory's user facilities, where a rapidly increasing number of visiting researchers are taking advantage of what can accurately be described as a fundamental cultural change in Oak Ridge. Today, thousands of visiting researchers from around the world are spending anywhere from two days to two months at ORNL's unmatched suite of user facilities. The number is expected to increase sharply as new user facilities such as the Spallation Neutron Source complete installation of additional experimental instruments.

Back Cover:

Editor and writer—James Pearce
Designer—LeJean Hardin
Illustrator—Andy Sproles
Photographers—Jason Richards
Web developer—Dennis Hovey

Editorial office telephone: 865.241.0709
Editorial office FAX: 865.574.0595
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