Congressmember Bass

Congressmember Bass


Representing California's 33rd District, which includes Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Culver City.

Los Angeles & Washington ·

To those who have served and to all the women and men in uniform today, thank you for your service. We honor you today.

Tune in today @ 11:30 am PT/2:30 pm ET as I talk with Tamron Hall about the looming fiscal cliff on MSNBC's NewsNation.

Pres. Obama has renewed U.S. leadership at the . As a consequence, America is stronger & more respected and Americans are safer.

US Labor Dept announced today that the economy added 114k jobs causing the unemployment rate to fall to 7.8% & black unemployment to 13.4%

Tune into PoliticsNation w/ Rev. Al Sharpton today @ 3:30 pm PT/6:30 pm ET. I'll be discussing the latest on voter protection.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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