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Mentor-Protégé Program

Small businesses need to do their homework and build relationships when they are looking to contract with the Federal government. Through our Mentor-Protégé  Program, we pair prime contractors with small disadvantaged businesses, developing long-term relationships that are mutually beneficial.

How You Benefit

If you're a mentor, your business can get introduced to potential subcontractors with critical skills, choose to award non-competitive sole source subcontracts to your protégé  or other Energy Department proteges, and you may be eligible for reimbursement of allowable costs incurred while providing assistance to the protégé  performing subcontract activities. Any prime contractors for the Energy Department may apply to be a mentor.

If you're a protégé , you'll have an established prime contractor to guide you through government contracting, creating potential teaming relationships and joint ventures to leverage your bid to the Energy Department and other Federal agencies. You'll also open yourself up to eligibility for receipt of Energy Department and other Federal agency contracts. You can apply to be a protégé  if you are an 8(a) business, other small disadvantaged business, women-owned business, service disabled veteran-owned business, HUBZone business, or a Historically Black College and University or other Minority Educational Institution (to achieve further development of your technical administrative and managerial expertise). Applicants also are required to be eligible to receive government contracts, have been in business for at least two years before you apply, and certify as a small business according to the North American Industrial Code for the services or supplies to be provided under the subcontract with your mentor.

Program Activities

The working arrangement between companies will promote economic and technological growth, promote and foster the establishment of long term business relationships and increase the number of small disadvantaged businesses which receive Energy Department and other federal agency contracts.

Teaming arrangements for small businesses are a proven method of increasing the participation of small businesses in the award of Energy Department prime contracts. The Department and the Small Business Administration both have Mentor-Protégé programs in place that promote teaming.

Our Participants

A full list is coming soon.

The Small Business Administration's Mentor-Protégé Program

The Small Business Administration regulations provide for a mentor-protégé relationship whereby the mentor and an 8(a) protégé can form a joint venture or teaming arrangement to perform government contracts. The mentor has to be a current or former 8(a) firm, other small business or a large business. Such a teaming arrangement will be recognized as 8(a) as long as the participating protégé 8(a) firm is "substantially involved" in the performance of the contract and qualifies as small for the size standard to the code assigned to the procurement.

For more information about the Energy Department Mentor-Protégé Program, please contact:

Latonya Poole

(202) 586-3835