U.S. Department of Justice

Benton County, Oregon 2009 – 2011 Community Corrections Plan

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Jun. 26, 2012

Library ID

  • 026136

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  • 2009
  • 24 pages

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  • Benton County, Oregon 2009 – 2011 Community Corrections Plan

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The Adult Community Corrections Plan explains what programming the agency will provide over 2009-2011. It is a very nice explanation of expenditures matched to services. Program purpose/description, program objectives and method(s) of evaluation, CPC (Correctional Program Checklist) review completion, monthly average individuals to be served, type of offender served, and funding sources are provided for each programs offered. These programs are administration, community supervision, sex offender treatment, sex offender polygraph, outpatient substance abuse treatment, work crew/community service. Subsidy/inpatient treatment, evidence-based cognitive rehabilitative programming, transition services/pre-release planning, Drug Treatment Court, Transition Center, and mental health transition program.

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