The Fermilab Directorate provides the leadership necessary to support and advance the laboratory's scientific mission. This includes setting lab policy and program direction and ensuring support and funding for Fermilab. The Directorate ensures and oversees compliance with applicable DOE contract requirements, regulations and laws and supports the Director in establishing and maintaining excellent relationships with Fermilab stakeholders.

Fermilab Today Director's Corner:

2012 Community Planning Meeting


Update on Tritium Management at Fermilab

Special Director's Corner - Involuntary Separation

Culture Clash

Director's Corner Archive

Directorate News:

LBNE Reconfiguration

Aerial view of Fermilab

Fermilab has started a vigorous effort to answer Office of Science Director Bill Brinkman's charge to Fermilab to find a path forward to reach the goals of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment in a phased approach.

Contractor Assurance:

CAS Diagram

Related Links:

Last modified: 10/10/2012 |