Browse Archive

  • Screenshot of the States of Matter interactive activity

    IBEX Interactive Activity: States of Matter  →

    10.28.08 - Explore how energy helps change matter from one state to another with this interactive online tool. Also available in Spanish.

  • An instructor teaching two teachers at computers

    Envisioning Science

    10.28.08 - A NASA team has developed software to help students who are visually impaired "see" Earth.

  • An image of red and white objects in a dark sky with an arrow pointing at a circled object

    What Is a Planet? Lesson Plan

    10.21.08 - In this lesson, students learn about the characteristics of planets, comets, asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects through a classification activity.

  • A full moon looms over the horizon of Earth in this picture taken from the space station

    Diameter of the Moon

    10.15.08 - This activity requires that students calculate the diameter of the moon by comparing it to a two-centimeter cardboard disc.

  • A page from Next-Generation Spacecraft -- Orion

    Exploring Space Through Algebra

    10.15.08 - This guide will help students develop a deeper understanding of key algebraic concepts and how to apply those concepts in the context of space exploration.

  • Screenshot of the Interactive Space Station Reference Guide

    Interactive Space Station Reference Guide

    10.07.08 - Take a virtual tour of the orbiting outpost.

  • Front cover of the Suited for Spacewalking Educator Guide

    Suited for Spacewalking Educator Guide

    09.30.08 - The activities in this guide help students understand the history and technology behind spacesuits.

  • A graph showing the states of matter in relation to temperature

    Cryogenics Lab Videos  →

    09.16.08 - Watch what happens when ordinary objects are cooled to cryogenic temperatures and learn about phase changes.

  • An aerial view of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

    The Role of Engineering at JPL

    09.16.08 - This NASA video segment explains what engineers do at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Viewers learn that engineers work collaboratively to solve problems.

  • View of a hurricane taken from space

    "Lifecycle of a Hurricane" Video

    09.09.08 - Most tropical hurricanes begin in Africa, but an El Nino can stop the storms before they become full-blown.