U.S. Department of Justice

The Impact of Prosecuting Youth in the Adult Criminal Justice System: A Review of the Literature

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Apr. 01, 2011

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  • The Impact of Prosecuting Youth in the Adult Criminal Justice System: A Review of the Literature

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Anyone interested in how youth are affected by the adult criminal justice system will find this publication very informative. This report is comprised of ten sections: introduction; methodology; which juveniles are transferred; transfer’s impact on culpability; transfer’s impact on the probability of incarceration; transfer’s impact on the length of incarceration; transfer’s impact on the location of incarceration; transfer’s impact on processing time; transfer’s impact on deterrence and recidivism; and conclusion. Appendixes include: Youth Law Center literature review; CDC Task Force Report; and OJJDP Bulletin on Juvenile Transfer Laws. “The findings of this literature review indicate that justice is not served by forcing juveniles through a system never intended to process youth and that transfer laws have exacerbated the problems they sought to address” (p. 1).

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