Fermi National Laboratory
Operation Summary for April 27, 2012 - April 30, 2012

NuMI reported receiving 7.67E18 protons on target for the period from 4/23/12 to 4/30/12.

Friday April 27

The day shift began with Operations monitoring the Linac, Booster, and Main Injector (MI), and with the NuMI, SeaQuest, and Meson FTBFT-1015 experiments taking beam.

During the day shift, Operations prepared the Neutrino Area and T-1015 for a one-hour access at 9:35 AM. Muon Ring personnel began a study at 9:42 AM. Operations established beam to MTA at 12:19 PM. Booster personnel began a study at 1:08 PM. A MI person began a study at 2:47 PM. The Muon Ring study ended at 3:13 PM.

During the evening shift, the MI study ended at 5:10 PM. At 5:45 PM, a MI RF station (MIRF7) tripped off for the first of six times in 37 minutes on an incomplete RF gap indication; it reset. Operations disabled beam to MTA at 6:15 PM. At 9:23 PM, Booster personnel reported an aperture restriction at Long-6 near a collimator. Operations lowered the Booster beam intensity due to this restriction, which also lowered the NuMI beam intensity.

Saturday April 28

The midnight shift began with Operations sending beam to NuMI, SeaQuest, and T-1015.

During the midnight shift, at 2:11 AM, the NuMI beam permit tripped off when a power supply’s output (E:V100) drifted low; everything reset. Operations reported at 7:45 AM that Operators had adjusted the Booster transition.

During the day shift, MI personnel began a beam measurement study at 11:37 AM. MI personnel reported at 3:04 PM that as a part of their study they turned off their corrector magnets, which halted beam to all downstream users. The MI studies ended at 3:26 PM; beam returned to all users.

During the evening shift, at 8:41 PM, the NuMI beam permit tripped off due to a Lambertson power supply’s (LAM60) output drifting low; everything reset. T-1015 made several accesses during the shift.

Sunday April 29

The midnight shift began with Operations sending beam to NuMI, SeaQuest, and T-1015.

During the midnight shift, Operations turned off the T-1015 beam at 5:30 AM and then reestablished their beam at 7:50 AM. Operations lowered the Booster beam intensity during this shift.

During the day shift, Operations reported at 10:33 AM that the Booster beam problems were continuing to get worse; a Booster person came in and tuned, which helped. Operations reported at 2:37 PM that Booster RF personnel investigated a problem with BRF16; they reported that the problem was in the tunnel and bypassed the station.

During the evening shift, Operations monitored the accelerator complex.

Monday April 30

The midnight shift began with Operations sending beam to NuMI, SeaQuest, and T-1015.

During the midnight shift, at 12:01 AM, Operations turned off beam to all users and the shutdown began. Operations loaded an energy conservation timeline into the Time Line Generator (TLG). At 12:07 AM, Operations prepared Switchyard, Meson, and SeaQuest for access. Operations prepared Booster and the Transfer Hall for access at 12:28 AM.

Operations Coordinator (OpsCo) Plans for Today

The Fermi Accelerator Laboratory begins its one-year shutdown for upgrades. Linac, the Neutron Therapy Facility (NTF), MTA, and Booster will continue using beam for one or two more weeks. Linac will supply NTF beam for most of the shutdown. This will be the last Operation Summary.


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last modified 04/30/2012    email Fermilab
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