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Nanoscopic Drug Delivery
October 11, 2012
Methods to assemble nanospheres into orderly shapes could lead to precise ways to administer medicines.
Gray arrow Article:  Capital Public Radio
Gray arrow APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion

Dressed Qubits Live Longer
October 7, 2012
Nitrogen atoms embedded in diamond lead to robust quantum states that may aid in quantum computing.
Gray arrow Article:  Ars Technica
Gray arrow Abstract: Phys Rev Letters

Imaging Electrons
October 2, 2012
Images reveal the elusive Landau levels of electrons in strong magnetic fields.
Gray arrow Article:  CBS News
Gray arrow Abstract: Phys Rev Letters

X-raying Picassos
October 10, 2012
Intense X-rays from the Argonne Advanced Photon Source probe the structure of Picasso's paint.
Gray arrow Article:  Chicago Tribune

Shocking Magic
October 5, 2012
David Blaine's giant Tesla coils may cause a local ozone hazard during outdoor stunt.
Gray arrow Article:  Scientific American

Ghostly Entanglement
October 4, 2012
Experiment succeeds in entangling a photon with one that no longer exists.
Gray arrow Article:  New Scientist

Physics of Underwater Guns
October 3, 2012
Bullets face extreme forces when fired under water.
Gray arrow Article:  Huffington Post

2012 Nobel Prize in Physics

Pioneering Work on Quantum Mechanics of Trapped Photons and Ions Recognized
Congratulations to APS Fellows Serge Haroche and David Wineland for winning the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics for "for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems".Free to Read
Gray arrow Related APS Publications (Free)
Gray arrow APS: Background Information

Automatic Budget Cuts Looming

Congress Must Act Before January
Under sequestration, U.S. science funding will automatically drop 8% on January 2, 2013 unless lawmakers prevent these indiscriminate federal budget cuts. Students can join thousands of grads and undergrads who are petitioning Congress to budget for investment by signing the APS Sequestration Petition.
Gray arrow  APS Student Sequestration Petition
Gray arrow  AAAS: A Look At 2013 Sequestration

APS Partners with ORCID

ORCID is community-based effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers to link researchers to research activity and output. APS is an ORCID launch partner.  APS authors and referees may register their ORCID from our database.
Gray arrow  ORCID Opens Registry
Gray arrow  Sign Up: APS Author Profile

Obama and Romney

Where Do They Stand on Science?
Science Debate with APS and many additional science organizations formulated 14 questions on the most pressing problems Americans face in health, science, and technology policy. You can see how President Barack Obama and candidate Mitt Romney answered these questions.
Gray arrow Candidates Answer Science Questions
Gray arrow About Science Debate Organization

APS Receives $3 Million

NSF Grant Encourages Minority PhDs
APS Physics Minority Bridge Program LogoNational Science Foundation recently awarded APS $3 million to launch the APS Bridge Program to increase the number of physics PhDs granted to underrepresented minorities (African American, Native American and Hispanic American).
Gray arrow APS Bridge Program