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The Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) experimental collaboration is committed to studying high energy particle collisions at the world’s highest energy
proton-antiproton collider.
The goal is to discover the
identity and properties of the particles that make up the
universe and to understand the
forces and interactions between those particles.

Want to learn more? Explore the detector and watch interviews with physicists in the CDF Virtual Tour.
For physicists
  Summer 2012 results and Higgs
  Higgs Combination
  Observation of &Omegab!
  Higgs Exclusion
  Y(4140) State
  Observation of Single Top
  Bs Osc. Discovery
  Bs Press Release
  Sigma-B Discovery
  Sigma-B Press     Release
  W mass in Run 2
  W mass press release
  Discovery of Cascade_B
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