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Modernizing Federal Workspace To Gain Efficiencies and Cost Savings

Image of a few people working in open space office environment
The Bureau of Land Management
has been a campus tenant for more than 30 years. Their mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. In late 2011, BLM wanted to explore consolidating and reducing their real estate footprint at the DFC.  BLM then approached the General Services Administration, the civilian federal government’s landlord and manager of the DFC, for expertise.

BLM currently resides in portions of Buildings 40, 41, 53, and they occupy building 50 in its entirety.  When the consolidation is complete, the project will reduce their office footprint by more than 41,000 rentable square feet - close to 20% of their campus space.   This space reduction will result in direct rent savings totaling more than $445,000 annually.

The BLM, like many government agencies, is determined to realize true cost savings by decreasing their footprint while improving and reinventing their workspace.  In order to do so, BLM is exploring a mix of modern and traditional workplace solutions, right-sizing support spaces, and examining how their organization functions most effectively.

The GSA project team will partner with the BLM and develop solutions that meet the bureau’s goals and deliver a complete and operational finished product. That entails a space consolidation with an emphasis on improving the use of their space as well as providing mobility to the end users.  Furthermore, the project will provide the desired cost savings and use of modern and mobile workplace solutions to support and improve the bureau’s overall mission.  

The project starts in October 2012 and is planned to be complete by 2015.


Andrew Myers
(303) 236-5377

Sally Mayberry
(303) 236-2583

Bureau of Land Management, General Services Administration, BLM, GSA, footprint, cost savings, real estate, office space