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A charge must be filed with EEOC within 180 days from the date of the alleged violation, in order to protect the charging party's rights.

This 180-day filing deadline may be extended to 300 days if the charge also is covered by a state or local anti-discrimination law.

These time limits do not apply to claims under the Equal Pay Act, because under that Act persons do not have to first file a charge with EEOC in order to have the right to go to court. However, since many EPA claims also raise Title VII sex discrimination issues, it may be advisable to file charges under both laws within the time limits indicated.

Fresno Local Office Information

An individual has 300 days from the date of alleged harm to file a charge with this office against an employer with 15 or more employees for discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, and/or disability in the state of California. An individual has 300 days from the date of alleged harm to file a charge with this office against an employer with 20 or more employees for discrimination based on age in the state of California.

Charges against employers of less than 15 employees (for race, color, national origin, sex, religion, and/or disability) or less than 20 employees (for age) must be filed with the appropriate state or local agency within the time limits prescribed by state or local laws. This time limit is 365 days in the State of California.

To protect your legal rights, it is always best to contact EEOC promptly when discrimination is suspected.