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Special Tests for Thermometry

The Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer Calibration Laboratory (SPRTL) provides the following special services that are related to the ITS-90:

  • Proficiency-test artifacts (e.g. SPRTs)
  • Bridge certification
  • Evaluation of prototype thermometric devices

How to Arrange a Calibration

  1. Contact the staff member in charge of the calibration service for your artifact with any technical or calibration cost questions.
  2. Calibrations are performed on a first come first serve basis.
  3. Ship your artifact with a copy of the purchase order. Use a sturdy box in which we can return the calibrated instrument.
  4. The purchase order may be sent to contact by e-mail, fax, or mail. Please include the following information:
  • service ID for the calibration
  • model and serial number of your artifact
  • customer contact name, address, phone, and e-mail
  • return shipping method (e.g., shipping account number)
Mailing Address   Shipping Address
Attn: Michal Chojnacky   Attn: Michal Chojnacky
100 Bureau Drive   100 Bureau Drive
MS 8363   Bldg. 221, Rm. B308
Gaithersburg, MD 20899   Gaithersburg, MD 20899

Description and Cost of Services

Special Tests for Thermometry†

Service ID

Fee, US$

Description of Service


at cost

Special test of resistance thermometric device


at cost

Special test of thermometric fixed-point device



Measurement Assurance Program
Ar TP to Zn FP



Measurement Assurance Program
Ar TP to Al FP

†Measurement assurance programs (e.g., proficiency tests) are available, upon request, to cover any ITS-90 temperature subrange from the Ar TP the Al FP.

General information regarding NIST calibration services may be found on the NIST Technology Services Calibration webpage.


General Information:
Michal Chojnacky
301-975-4821 Telephone
301-548-0206 Facsimile

Gregory Strouse
301-975-4803 Telephone
301-548-0206 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8363
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8363