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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Health Literacy Interventions and Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review

Figure A. Logic model for analyzing studies of health literacy

This figure is a logic model for analyzing studies of health literacy. Proceeding from left to right in a series of boxes arranged in a flow chart, the figure begins at health literacy level and moves to two boxes, 'knowledge' and accurate risk perception' and 'self-efficacy'. 'Knowledge and accurate risk perception' proceeds to four boxes. The first three boxes are 'attitudes,' 'social norms,' and 'self-efficacy,' which advance to 'intent for health behavior'. The fourth box, 'skills,' includes five items: take medications, self-monitoring, recognize emergency, seek additional health information, and access care. The skills box, the intent for health behavior box, and two other boxes, 'support from provider/joint decisionmaking' and 'resources', which includes 'ability to pay and access to care,' point toward the next box, 'initiation of health behavior'. This box advances to 'adherence to health behavior'. This box and another box, 'use of health care services,' which includes emergency room visits, office visits, hospitalization, and prevention, both point to a final box, 'health outcomes,' which includes disease, disease severity, quality of life, and death.

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