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Paul Gretch

Director, Office of International Aviation


  • B.A., Brooklyn College (1963) J.D., Harvard Law School (1966) L.L.M., New York University Law School (International Law)(1967)

Professional Experience

  • 1986-Present Mr. Gretch is in charge of the office at the Department of Transportation that develops and carriers our international aviation policy, both in terms of regulatory functions and dealings with other governments and international organizations.
  • 1985-1986 Director, Office of Aviation Operations, Office of Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs, OST.
  • 1982-1985 Deputy Director and Acting Director, Bureau of International Aviation, Civil Aeronautics Board.
  • 1979-1982 Deputy Director, Bureau of Domestic Aviation, Civil Aeronautics Board.
  • 1979 Associate Director, Legal Affairs, Bureau of Domestic Aviation, Civil Aeronautics Board.
  • 1977-1979 Assistant Director, Bureau of Domestic Aviation, Civil Aeronautics Board.
  • 1976-1977 Chief, Legal Division, Bureau of Operating Rights, Civil Aeronautics Board.
  • 1973-1976 Trial Attorney, Bureau of Operating Rights, Civil Aeronautics Board.
Updated: Wednesday, August 1, 2012