The National Archives at New York City

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During World War I, the United States made a great effort to conserve food and other vital materials to help supply the troops and our allies abroad. People were encouraged to follow "Meatless Mondays" and "Wheatless Wednesdays" in an effort to both unite the general public behind the war effort and furnish these essential resources to the allied nations. View this Teachable Text More Teachable Texts

Student Field Trips

Experience our Hands-On Archives programs, where students work with primary sources from a variety of topics to learn about our past. All visits include a tour of our facility and a viewing of original documents from our holdings.

Exploring America's Diversity National History Day Workshop The Confino Family Introduction to the National Archives Introduction to Archival Research

Professional Development

Whether on-site at our location or off-site at your school, learn about the resources of the National Archives. Find out how to teach about topics such as immigration, the Constitution and others.

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Docs TeachDocsTeachFind and create interactive learning activities with primary source documents that promote historical thinking skills.

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The National Archives at New York City >

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272