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  Media Bureau Staff Research Papers Affecting Media Policy and Regulation

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Media Bureau Staff Research Papers Affecting Media Policy and Regulation

The Media Bureau Staff Research Paper Series consists of reports and papers prepared by the professional staff of the Media Bureau, often in collaboration with staff in other organizational units within the Commission or external academic researchers, on topics in media economics, media policy, and media industry developments and performance. The Media Bureau Staff Research Paper Series may include initial research reports, advanced drafts of staff studies, or completed research papers that in some cases have been submitted, or accepted, for publication in academic journals or other external publications. The purposes of this staff paper series include (1) creating awareness of future media policy issues; (2) fostering debate and discussion both within the Commission and external to the Commission among researchers, scholars, media enterprises, other interested parties, and the public generally about future media policy issues prior to the Commission initiating formal inquiries or rulemakings to address and resolve such issues; (3) providing both descriptive and inferential (econometric) empirical studies on aspects of media industry structure, conduct, and performance; and (4) providing conceptual analysis and empirical research in support of ongoing or near term Media Bureau inquiries and rulemakings. The views and professional opinions expressed in any Media Bureau staff research paper are those of the author, or authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Media Bureau, Commissioners, or any other Commission staff member or organizational unit within the Federal Communications Commission. Given the preliminary nature of the research reported in some staff research papers, it is advisable to check with the authors before quoting or referencing these papers in other publications. Questions or inquiries about the Media Bureau Staff Research Paper Series should be directed to Tracy Waldon, Chief Economist of the Media Bureau, at (202) 418-0957 or

  1. Competition Between Cable Television and Direct Broadcast Satellite - It's More Complicated Than You Think.
    Andrew S. Wise (Media Bureau, FCC) and Kiran Duwadi (International Bureau, FCC)

  2. The Scarcity Rationale for Regulating Traditional Broadcasting: An Idea Whose Time Has Passed.
    John W. Berresford, Media Bureau, FCC
    Acrobat | Word

  1. A Survival Analysis of Cable Networks.
    Keith S. Brown, Media Bureau, FCC
    Report: Acrobat
    Redacted Data: Stata format | Instructions for data: Word

  1. Empirical Aspects of Advertiser Preferences and Program Content of Network Television.
    Keith S. Brown, Media Bureau, FCC and Roberto J. Cavazos, Department of Public Adminisration, Florida International University
    Word | Acrobat

  1. A Comparison of Media Outlets and Owners for Ten Selected Markets: 1960, 1980, 2000.
    Scott Roberts, Jane Frenette and Dione Stearns, Media Bureau, FCC
    Word | Acrobat
    Table 1: Excel | Acrobat
    Table 2: Excel | Acrobat
    Table 3: Excel | Acrobat
    Table 4: Excel | Acrobat

  2. Viewpoint Diversity in Cross-Owned Newspapers and Television Stations: A Study of News Coverage of the 2000 Presidential Campaign
    David Pritchard, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    Word | Acrobat

  3. Consumer Substitution Among Media
    Joel Waldfogel, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
    Word | Acrobat

  4. Consolidation and Advertising Prices in Local Radio Markets
    Keith Brown and George Williams, Media Bureau, FCC
    Word | Acrobat

  5. Program Diversity and the Program Selection Process on Broadcast Network Television
    Mara Einstein, Department of Media Studies, Queens College, City University of New York

  6. A Theory of Broadcast Media Concentration and Commercial Advertising
    Brendan M. Cunningham (Department of Economics, U.S. Naval Academy) and Peter J. Alexander (Media Bureau, FCC)

  7. The Measurement of Local Television News and Public Affairs Programs
    Thomas Spavins (Enforcement Bureau, FCC) and Loretta Dennison, Jane Frenette, and Scott Roberts (Media Bureau, FCC)
    Word | Acrobat
    Appendix A: Excel | Acrobat
    Appendix B: Excel | Acrobat
    Appendix C: Excel | Acrobat
    Appendix D: Excel | Acrobat

  8. Consumer Survey on Media Usage
    Nielsen Media Research

  9. Radio Market Structure and Music Diversity
    George Williams, Keith Brown and Peter Alexander, Media Bureau, FCC
    Word | Acrobat

  10. On the Substitutability of Local Newspaper, Radio, and Television Advertising in Local Business Sales
    C. Anthony Bush, Office of General Counsel, FCC
    Word | Acrobat

  11. Radio Industry Review 2002: Trends in Ownership, Format, and Finance
    George Williams and Scott Roberts, Media Bureau, FCC
    Appendices A - F: Excel

  12. Broadcast Television: Survivor in a Sea of Competition
    (OPP Working Paper) Jonathan Levy, Marcelino Ford-Livene, Anne Levine

  13. Asymmetric Bargaining Power and Pivotal Buyers
    Nodir Adilov and Peter J. Alexander

  14. Most-Favored Customers in the Cable Industry
    Nodir Adilov and Peter J. Alexander

If you would like more information pertaining to the Media Bureau, please call: (202) 418-7200.

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