

DOE Office of Science

News and Highlights

Last Update: February 11, 2013 3:34 PM   

CNMS Research Highlights Archived highlights
  • Delayed Frost Growth on Jumping-Drop Superhydrophobic Surfaces (February 2013) ppt
  • Doping-Based Stabilization of the M2 Phase in Free-Standing VO2 Nanostructures at Room Temperature (February 2013) ppt
  • Single-Molecule Mobility in Confined and Crowded Chambers (January 2013) ppt
  • High Purity Direct-Write Nanoscale Fabrication (January 2013) ppt
  • A Water-Soluble Polythiophene for ‘Green’ Organic Electronics (January 2013) ppt
  • High-Temperature Transformation of Fe-Decorated Single-Wall Carbon Nanohorns to Nanooysters: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study (January 2013) ppt
  • An Endogenous Accelerator for Viral Gene Expression Confers a Fitness Advantage (December 2012) ppt
  • Spatiotemporal Parallel Assembly of Metallic Wires and Particles (December 2012) ppt
  • N-doped Graphene: Beyond Single Substitution for Enhanced Molecular Sensing (November 2012) ppt
  • In Situ Formation of Pyridyl-Functionalized Poly(3-hexylthiophene)s via Quenching of the Grignard Methathesis Polymerization: Toward Ligands for Semiconductor Quantum Dots (November 2012) ppt
  • Noisy Gene Expression Allows Many Genes to Share Few Resources in Cells (November 2012) ppt
  • Electronic Control Over Attachment and Self-Assembly of Alkyne Groups on Gold (November 2012) ppt
  • Nanoscale Insight Into Lead-Free Piezoceramics (September 2012) ppt
  • Theory of Space Charge Limited Currents (August 2012) ppt
  • A Route to Improving Electron Mobility in Oxide Materials (August 2012) ppt
  • Imaging of Electromechanical Phenomena in Liquid Environment (August 2012) ppt
  • High-Energy Lithium-Sulfur Batteries (June 2012) ppt
CNMS in the News Archived news

“Battery Material Prevents Fires, Stores Five Times the Energy,” MIT Technology Review (January 25, 2013)
“ORNL's Sean Smith elected AAAS Fellow,” Atomic City Underground at (November 30, 2012)

“ORNL develops lignin-based thermoplastic conversion process,” Newswise (November 30, 2012)

“Catching Lithium Ions in Action in a Battery Electrode,” US DOE Office of Science, BES Highlights (October 2012)

“ORNL Research Uncovers Path to Defect-free Thin Films,” Wireless Design & Development (September 24, 2012)

“Researchers explore Li-air battery reversibility on the nanoscale,” Phys.Org (August 8, 2012)

“Small equals sensitive for MEMS-based antenna,” R&D Magazine (August 7, 2012)

“Nanotube 'sponge' has potential in oil spill cleanup,” Oak Ridger (May 10, 2012)

“Boundary Between Electronics and Biology Is Blurring: First Proof of Ferroelectricity in Simplest Amino Acid,” Science Daily (April 19, 2012)

“Oil Spill Clean-Up May be Made Easier by Carbon-Nanotube Tech,” Gant Daily (April 17, 2012)

“Technique Creates Piezoelectric Ferroelectric Nanostructures,” Newswise (February 21, 2012)

“ORNL microscopy explores nanowires' weakest link,” (February 13, 2012)

“Cummings appointed to two NSF advisory boards,” (February 2012)

Coatings Influence Nanoparticle Toxicity,” Chemical & Engineering News (January 12, 2012)

“Nanoscale Metallic Conductivity Demonstrated in Ferroelectrics,” Science Daily (January 9, 2012)




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Updated Monday, 11-Feb-2013 15:34:28 EST - 0

CNMS Discovery Seminar - Scalapino CNMS Discovery Seminar - Deming CNMS Discovery Seminar - Scalapino