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Sustainable Energy Technologies Department

Renewable Energy Group

The Renewable Energy Group’s missions is to support the Sustainable Energy Technologies Department by developing solutions to key issues facing the deployment, grid integration, and life-cycle assessment of renewable energy technologies in the United States.

Group members perform research, systems-level modeling, engineering studies and field testing within several of the most promising renewable energy areas for the U.S., including solar photovoltaics, wind energy and biofuels. The research, modeling and studies address key issues related to energy transmission and integration of renewable energy systems into the current grid and future smart grids. They utilize broad collaborations across the Laboratory directorates and departments, including Basic Energy Sciences, Environment and Life Sciences, the National Synchrotron Light Source, Technology Commercialization and Partnerships and Computational Sciences.


  • Electrical power engineering
  • Instrumentation and controls engineering
  • Power system modeling, simulation and analysis
  • Reliability and security assessment of power grids
  • Digital system reliability assessment
  • Aging degradation and reliability analysis
  • Environmental and ecological research
  • Nanoparticle cytotoxicity and environmental impacts
  • Fuels and biomass conversion chemistry

Research areas

  • Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems
  • Renewable Energy Technologies Development and Deployment
  • Smart Grid Development and Demonstration

New Projects

photo of LI solar farm