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Insurance Programs


Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Handbook

Eligibility for Health Benefits
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Eligibility for Health Benefits

As a Federal employee, you are eligible to elect FEHB coverage, unless your position is excluded by law or regulation. Your agency applies these rules and determines your eligibility.

Cooperative Employees

You are eligible for FEHB coverage if you are:

  • appointed by a Federal agency for service in cooperation with a non-Federal agency,
  • paid in whole or in part from non-Federal funds (such as certain employees of the Agriculture Extension Service), and
  • your position is not excluded from coverage.

Withholdings and contributions for your coverage must be made from Federally-controlled funds and must be timely paid, or the cooperating non-Federal agency must agree in writing with your agency to make and timely remit the required withholdings and contributions from non-Federal funds. The withholdings and contributions arrangement must be approved by OPM.

Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation County Committee Employees

If you are employed by a county committee established under section 8(b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, you are eligible for FEHB coverage (unless your position is excluded from coverage).

Employees Transferred to Public International Organizations

If you transfer to a public international organization under the Federal Employees International Organization Service Act, you may elect to retain your FEHB coverage. To keep your coverage, all necessary withholdings and contributions during your service with the international organization must be currently paid.

U.S. Commissioners

If you are a United States Commissioner subject to the Civil Service Retirement law or the Federal Employees Retirement law, you are eligible for FEHB coverage.

Presidential Appointee

You are eligible for FEHB coverage if you are a Presidential appointee appointed to fill an unexpired term.

Provisional Appointee

You are eligible for FEHB coverage if you are a temporary employee who receives a provisional appointment as defined in 5 CFR 316.401 and 316.403.

Acting Postmaster

You are eligible for FEHB coverage if you are an acting postmaster.

Temporary Employees

Eligibility to Enroll at Own Cost

If your position is excluded from coverage because your appointment is limited to one year or less, you will be eligible to enroll under 5 U.S.C. 8906a when you have completed one year of current continuous employment, excluding any break in service of 5 days or less. You must pay both the employee and the Government shares of the premium.

The one-year requirement may be met at the end of a one-year appointment in a single agency or it may be based on a series of shorter appointments served in one or more agencies, as long as you have not had a break in service of more than 5 days.

In many cases, a temporary appointment lasts one year. If your appointment is renewed at the end of that year, you are eligible to enroll.

Student Employees

If you are a student employee (for example, a student aide or Stay-in-School Program participant), you generally serve on temporary appointments limited to 1 year or less. You typically work part-time during the school year and full-time during summers and vacations and become eligible to participate after completing one year on the employment rolls, provided you pay the full premium cost.

Intermittent Employment

If you are an intermittent employee (you do not have a prearranged regular tour of duty), you are not eligible for coverage. Seasonal or occasional employment for one calendar year that amounted to less than 6 months of work does not meet the one year of current continuous employment requirement.


You are eligible for FEHB coverage if your appointment follows, with a break in service of no more than 3 days, a position in which you were insured.

Mixed Tour of Duty

If you work, under an appointment limited to one year or less, a mixed tour of duty (combining periods of full-time, part-time, and intermittent tours of duty during the year), you may be eligible to enroll as a temporary employee. You must be on a full-time or prearranged part-time work schedule at the beginning of the one-year period of current continuous employment and at the time you enroll under this provision. When counting the one year of current continuous employment, include any periods of intermittent service. If you change to an intermittent tour of duty after your enrollment begins, your enrollment will continue as long as you didn't have a break in service of more than three calendar days.

Employees Excluded from Coverage

District of Columbia Employees

You are excluded from FEHB coverage if you were first employed by the District of Columbia government on or after October 1, 1987.


You are eligible for FEHB coverage if you are:

  • an employee of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, who accepts employment with the District of Columbia government following Federal employment without a break in service, as provided in Pub. L. 98-621;
  • an employee of the D.C. Control Board (District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority), who makes an election under the Technical Corrections to Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Act (section 153 of P. L. 104-134) to be considered a Federal employee for FEHB coverage and other benefits purposes;
  • effective August 5, 1997, the Corrections Trustee and the Pretrial Services, Defense Services, Parole, Adult Probation, and Offender Supervision Trustee and employees of these Trustees who accept employment with the District of Columbia Government within 3 days after separating from the Federal Government, as provided by P. L. 105-33; and
  • effective October 1, 1997, a judge or nonjudicial employee of the District of Columbia Courts, as provided by Pub. L. 105-33.


You are excluded from FEHB coverage if you are not a citizen or national of the United States and your permanent duty station is located outside the United States and its territories and possessions.


You are eligible for FEHB coverage if you met the definition of employee on September 30, 1979, by service in an Executive agency (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105), the United States Postal Service, or the Smithsonian Institution in the area which was then known as the Canal Zone.

TVA Employees

You are excluded from FEHB coverage if you are an employee of the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Employees of Farm Credit Administration-Supervised Corporations

You are excluded from FEHB coverage if you are an employee of a corporation supervised by the Farm Credit Administration, if private interests elect or appoint a member of the board of directors. The corporations are Regional Banks for Cooperatives, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, Federal Land Banks, Production Credit Corporations, and the Central Bank for Cooperatives.

Temporary Employees

You are excluded from FEHB coverage if you are:

  • serving under an appointment limited to one year or less and you have not completed at least one year of current continuous employment, excluding any break in service of 5 days or less; or
  • expected to work less than 6 months in each year.


You are eligible for FEHB coverage if:

  • your full-time or part-time temporary appointment has a regular tour of duty and follows a position in which you were insured, with a break in service of no more than 3 days;
  • you are an acting postmaster;
  • you are a Presidential appointee appointed to fill an unexpired term;
  • you are a temporary employee who receives a provisional appointment as defined in 5 CFR 316.401 and 316.403;
  • you are employed under an OPM-approved career-related work-study program under Schedule B lasting at least one year and in pay status for at least one-third of the total period of time from the date of your first appointment to the completion of the work-study program; or
  • your appointment follows, with a break in service of no more than 3 days, a position in which you were insured.

Patient Employees

You are excluded from FEHB coverage if you are a beneficiary or patient employee in a Government hospital or home.

Employees Paid on a Contract or Fee Basis

You are excluded from FEHB coverage if you are paid on a contract or fee basis.


You are eligible for FEHB coverage when you are a:

  • United States citizen, appointed by a contract between you and the Federal employing authority which requires your personal service, and paid on the basis of units of time; or
  • Personal Service Contractor employed by the Department of the Treasury.

Employees Paid on a Piecework Basis

You are excluded from FEHB coverage if you are paid on a piecework basis.


You are eligible for FEHB coverage when your work schedule provides for full-time or part-time service with a regularly scheduled tour of duty.

OPM Determination

OPM makes the final determination about whether the above categories apply to a specific employee or group of employees.

Part-time career employment or certain interim appointments are not excluded from FEHB coverage.