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© 2009 by Kelley Blue Book Co., Inc. 10/9/2009-10/15/2009 Edition . All Rights Reserved. Blue Book is a trademark of Kelley Blue Book Co., Inc. The specific information required to determine the value for this particular vehicle was supplied by the dealer (or by a third party on behalf of the dealer). Vehicle valuations are approximations and may vary from vehicle to vehicle. Kelley Blue Book assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Do you want a fuel efficient car that is a hybrid or a low emission vehicle? We have all the information and tools to make your used car purchase an eco-friendly one.
Learn more about our Green Choices.

Are you interested in a high value alternative to buying a brand new vehicle? Certified pre-owned (CPO) vehicles, which undergo a rigorous certification process conducted by the vehicle’s manufacturer, may be a great option for you.
Our CPO Center will help you decide.