Arbitration Forms

About the Forms

These forms are templates that are intended to help parties file complete, accurate, and timely arbitration appeals with the Authority.  The forms are optional. They provide a convenient format to organize the information required by the Authority's regulations for arbitration appeals and related procedural regulations.  5 CFR parts 2425 (arbitration regulations); and 2429 (general procedural regulations).  The forms are available in two formats: (1) a PDF format, which you can fill out; and (2) a Word format, which you can save to your computer or “paste” into word-processing documents. If you have difficulty using either format, then you can obtain copies of the forms from the Authority’s Office of Case Intake and Publication.

We note that, in order to give parties sufficient space to answer questions, the PDF forms are very lengthy.  However, you need only fill out -- and then print and file with the Authority -- the portions of the forms that are relevant to your particular exceptions or opposition.  Similarly, with the Word versions of the forms, once you saved or copied the content of that form, you can delete sections that are not relevant to your particular exceptions or opposition.  However, for both forms, you should be careful to provide all information that is required by the Authority’s arbitration and procedural regulations.


Arbitration Exceptions Form (PDF version)

Arbitration Opposition Form (PDF version)
Arbitration Exceptions Form (Word version)
Arbitration Opposition Form (Word Version)