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Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

SHARE Extension: Goal Revisions

Under Goals 1 and 2, agency targets will continue to be set based on a reduction of total case rates and lost time case rates of at least 3% per year, measured against FY2003 performance.

Under Goal 3, all agencies are required to achieve a timely filing rate of at least 50%. Agencies for which a 5% per year improvement from the FY2003 baseline results in a FY2007 goal above 50% will continue to have their performance tracked against that formula-driven target, however no agency’s goal is required to exceed 95%. In FY2008 and FY2009, the minimum thresholds will rise to 55% and 60%, respectively. For each year, all agencies must meet the minimum level or their formula-driven targets, whichever is higher, up to a maximum timely filing rate of 95%.

Under Goal 4, FY2006 performance has been established as the new baseline against which agency performance is measured. Agencies with FY2006 Lost Production Day (LPD) rates at or below 15 days must maintain an LPD rate of 15 or less. All other agencies will have their progress measured against the formula-driven target of a reduction of the LPD rate by 1% per year, except that no such target will be set below 15 days.

We believe that these modifications will recognize and reward consistent and superior agency performance and, at the same time, will hold poor or low-end performers to much more significant and progressively challenging performance levels, something that SHARE’s original goal-setting construct did not ensure. With these revised goals, we believe agencies will achieve even greater success in the remaining years of the Initiative.

Goals 2007-2009.xls