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Table 4-25M: Energy Intensity of Class I Railroada Freight Service

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  1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 (R) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Revenue freight tonne-kilometers (millions) 835,555 1,018,882 1,116,600 1,101,187 1,341,653 1,280,372 1,509,566 1,516,728 1,557,470 1,619,560 1,752,990 1,906,268 1,979,686 1,969,394 2,010,092 2,092,813 2,140,261 2,183,347 2,200,194 2,265,056 2,427,347 2,476,733 2,586,920 2,584,946 2,594,715 2,236,990
Car-kilometers (millions) 45,335 47,212 48,103 44,508 47,117 40,105 42,099 41,244 42,049 43,264 45,842 48,897 51,040 50,952 52,556 54,478 55,667 55,109 55,812 57,220 59,660 60,692 62,692 61,454 59,909 51,684
Tonnes per car load (R) 40.3 (R) 44.4 (R) 49.8 (R) 55.2 (R) 60.9 (R) 61.4 (R) 60.4 (R) 60.1 (R) 59.9 (R) 58.4 (R) 57.5 (R) 59.2 (R) 60.4 (R) 57.5 (R) 58.2 (R) 57.5 (R) 56.8 (R) 58.1 (R) 57.4 (R) 56.5 (R) 55.6 55.3 (R) 55.2 56.0 57.2 58.2
Fuel consumed (million liters) 13,109 13,597 13,419 13,843 14,778 11,773 11,792 11,000 11,375 11,689 12,621 13,173 13,548 13,533 13,563 14,063 14,006 14,044 14,120 14,483 15,365 15,513 15,868 15,376 14,710 12,083
Energy intensity (kilojoule / revenue freight tonne-kilometer) (R) 606 (R) 516 (R) 465 (R) 486 (R) 426 (R) 355 (R) 302 (R) 280 (R) 282 (R) 279 (R) 278 (R) 267 (R) 265 (R) 266 (R) 261 (R) 260 (R) 253 (R) 249 (R) 248 (R) 247 (R) 245 242 237 230 219 209
Energy intensity (kilojoule / car-kilometer) (R) 11,178 (R) 11,133 (R) 10,784 (R) 12,023 (R) 12,124 (R) 11,347 (R) 10,827 (R) 10,310 (R) 10,457 (R) 10,444 (R) 10,642 (R) 10,414 (R) 10,261 (R) 10,267 (R) 9,976 (R) 9,979 (R) 9,726 (R) 9,851 (R) 9,779 (R) 9,784 (R) 9,956 9,880 9,784 9,672 9,492 9,037

KEY: R = revised.

a The threshold for classification as a Class I Railroads is based on operating revenues; the 2009 threshold is $389.8 million.


The heat equivalent factor used for joule conversion is 38,655.900 joules/liter.

1.459972 tonne-kilometer = 1 ton-mile.

1.609344 kilometers = 1 mile.

0.9071847 tonnes = 1 ton.

3.785412 liters = 1 gallon.

1.055056 kilojoules = 1 British thermal unit (Btu).


Association of American Railroads, Railroad Facts 2010 (Washington, DC: 2010), pp. 34, 37, and 40, and similar tables in earlier editions.

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