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What's New?...EDC 2!

On July 25, 2012, FHWA announced a new group of initiatives to be promoted over the next two years.


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One of six roundabouts built at major intersections on a reconstruction project for SR-179 in Sedona, Arizona


One of six roundabouts built at major intersections on a reconstruction project for SR-179 in Sedona, Arizona.

Iowa DOT held a showcase event for its $2.7 million Keg Creek Bridge on US 6 in Pottawattamie County. The bridge was completely prefabricated in separate components in a field next to the bridge site.

Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems

Iowa DOT held a showcase event for its $2.7 million Keg Creek Bridge on US 6 in Pottawattamie County. The bridge was completely prefabricated in separate components in a field next to the bridge site.

Iowa DOT held a showcase event for its $2.7 million Keg Creek Bridge on US 6 in Pottawattamie County. The bridge was completely prefabricated in separate components in a field next to the bridge site.

Accelerated Bridge Construction

Workers install a full-depth precast bridge deck panel, a key feature of the Iowa DOT accelerated bridge construction (ABC) plan for the 24th Street-I-29/80 interchange in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Introduction by FHWA Administrator Victor Mendez

Introduction Video

Introduction by FHWA Administrator Victor Mendez


spacerWhat's New?...EDC2!
Worker Measuring angle of a Safety Edge

The Safety Edge

The Safety Edge is an uncomplicated but extremely effective solution to reduce pavement edge-related crashes.


Warm mix asphalt laydown operation in Yellowstone National Park

Warm-Mix Asphalt

Warm Mix Asphalt technologies create benefits such as of reduced emissions, easier compaction, and improved working conditions.


Warm mix asphalt laydown operation in Yellowstone National Park

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil technology offers unique advantages in the construction of small bridges.


Adaptive signal control technology adjusts the timing of red, yellow and green lights to accommodate changing traffic patterns and ease traffic congestion.

Adaptive Signal Control Technologies

Adaptive signal control technology adjusts the timing of red, yellow and green lights to accommodate changing traffic patterns and ease traffic congestion.


The key to delivering projects more quickly is helping the highway community make routine use of innovative practices.

Shortening Project Delivery

The key to delivering projects more quickly is helping the highway community make routine use of innovative practices.


Picture of the EDC Communities of Practice web page.

EDC Communities of Practice

EDC now has Communities of Practice where you can join your peers, partners and national subject matter experts to ask questions and participate in discussions regarding any one of our EDC Initiatives.


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Who's making Every Day Count?Who's making
Every Day Count?

Click to View Archive of Past States

US Map

Click on the Map to View Archive of Past States

As of September 28, 2012

Ohio | Massachusetts | California | Colorado | Florida | Rhode Island

FHWA Staff Examine Dutch Project Acceleration Methods

Hari Kalla, director of the FHWA Center for Accelerating Innovation, and Rob Griffith, assistant administrator of the FHWA Ohio Division, participated in a project acceleration workshop in the Netherlands coordinated by FHWA and Rijkswaterstaat, part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. FHWA is planning a late fall Web conference on the Dutch approach to innovative contracting to accelerate project delivery.

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Workshops Cover Programmatic Agreements

Practitioner workshops in Boston and Washington, DC, focused on using programmatic agreements to save time on projects by establishing streamlined approaches for handling routine environmental requirements. The September workshops featured general discussions on programmatic agreements and sessions on specific topics, including Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and Endangered Species Act issues such as cofferdams, culverts, and road crossings. A Web conference is planned for December to provide updates on the programmatic approaches teams are investigating. More programmatic agreement workshops in other parts of the country are scheduled to start after January 2013.

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California Passes CM-GC Bill

The California State Legislature passed a bill that allows the California Department of Transportation to implement the construction manager-general contractor project delivery method (CM-GC) on a limited basis. The legislation, which takes effect January 1, 2013, authorizes a six-project CM-GC pilot program. It allows the agency to use construction contractors as consultants during the design of highway projects to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of construction.

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Warm-Mix Asphalt Event Set for Colorado

The National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University will present a Denver, CO, workshop in late October on warm-mix asphalt (WMA). This technical session will support efforts to improve implementation of WMA as an Every Day Counts initiative in Colorado.

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Florida to Hold Intelligent Compaction Open House

The Florida Department of Transportation will host an October 18 open house in Cocoa, FL, on intelligent compaction, a technology that accelerates project delivery while improving pavement quality through the use of special rollers on transportation projects. The purpose of the event is to educate the construction industry, designers, and Florida highway agency staff about the process and encourage its use on State and local projects. The open house will include a demonstration of intelligent compaction systems and GPS equipment.

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Rhode Island Opens Bridge Early

Using accelerated bridge construction techniques enabled the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) to open the Frenchtown Brook Bridge in East Greenwich a month earlier than planned. The agency received an FHWA Highways for LIFE grant to use innovation to replace the 57-year-old bridge. The scheduled closure was for no more than 65 days, but accelerated bridge construction allowed RIDOT to demolish the old bridge, assemble the new structure using precast concrete components, and reopen the road to traffic in 33 days. RIDOT included a $3,000-per-day incentive clause in its contract with the contractor for opening the bridge early. RIDOT will evaluate all future bridge projects to determine if they can be built using accelerated bridge construction techniques.

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EDC2 Team members working group.

Updated: 10/04/2012
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