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Results First
Pew Center on the States (Washington, DC).
“Results First can help states get better results with lower costs. [They] offer tools to states that more accurately assess the true costs and benefits of public programs. This allows policy makers to identify options that yield the greatest return on investment for taxpayers.” This website provides the information you need to decide if Results First can help your state and its agencies. Links are provided to its mailing list, more information on how to get involved, the fact sheet “Results Fir... Read More
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Reallocating Justice Resources: A Review of 2011 State Sentencing Trends
By Eisen, Lauren-Brooke; James, Juliene. Vera Institute of Justice. Center for Sentencing and Corrections (New York, NY).
“In highlighting important legislative changes enacted in the past year, this report documents a new approach to reform … that aims to make more targeted use of incarceration and to reinvest the cost savings into community programs geared toward reducing recidivism and victimization” (p. 2). Sections after an executive summary include: introduction; laying the groundwork—stakeholder involvement, political leadership, outside assistance, appropriate use of prison projections, and comprehensive an... Read More
28 pages
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Arkansas Youth Justice: The Architecture of Reform
By Arthur, Pat; Hartney, Christopher. National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD). National Center for Youth Law (Oakland, CA).
“Arkansas leaders, like their counterparts in other states, have embarked on a planned course to transform the state’s juvenile justice system. They aim to ensure that youth are not inappropriately or unnecessarily held in costly secure confinement, and that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely on services that actually produce good outcomes for youth, families, and the community” (p. 1). This report documents their efforts in this endeavor. It is a useful tool if your state is looking to reform y... Read More
47 pages
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Renewing Juvenile Justice
Sierra Health Foundation (Sacramento, CA). Center of Juvenile and Criminal Justice (San Francisco, CA).
This report “offers recommendations for policy changes to improve practice in local jurisdictions and expand services for high-risk youthful offenders … [and] with the expectation that it will be a helpful tool for local jurisdictions and philanthropic partners interested in reshaping and ultimately renewing juvenile justice practice.” While the focus of this publication is on California, foundations in other states will find this information useful in the event they plan to partner with local j... Read More
68 pages
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The Missouri Model: Reinventing the Practice of Rehabilitating Youthful Offenders
By Mendel, Richard A.. Annie E. Casey Foundation ((Baltimore, MD).
States looking to reform their juvenile justice systems will find great strategies within this publication. Sections of this report look at: a better approach to juvenile corrections; nuts and bolts of the Missouri Model—small and non-prisonlike facilities close to home, individual care within a group treatment model, safety through relationships and supervision not correctional coercion, building skills for success, families as partners, and aftercare focus; underlying values, beliefs, and trea... Read More
60 pages
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Leadership Development: Keys to Leading Juvenile Justice Reform
By Bilchik, Shay; Townsend, Cherie; Davis, Hasan; Hancock, Brain. National Center for Youth in Custody (NC4YC) (Kalamazoo, MI).
The role of leadership in fostering change in the juvenile justice system is explained. Topics discussed in this presentation include: introduction—cost savings and matching offender to risk and need; the challenges—collaborative leadership, building a continuum of placements and services, culture change, family engagement, and staff training; measuring outcomes—success defined by reductions in recidivism and other measures of success; juvenile justice reform—the perspectives of the juvenile cor... Read More
49 pages
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Data-Driven Decisionmaking for Strategic Justice Reinvestment
By Dwyer, Alison M.; Neusteter, S. Rebecca; Lachman, Pamela. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
The importance and role of data in the justice reinvestment process is explained. This brief looks at: locating and accessing data; identifying population drivers; potential data for intervention points, data information intervention points, and associated agency costs; quantifying cost drivers; strategizing with data; directing reinvestment efforts; ensuring sustainability; and performance measures.... Read More
10 pages
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Improving Strategic Planning through Collaborative Bodies
By Archer, Justin; Neusteter, S. Rebecca; Lachman, Pamela. Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
This brief gives details about “the importance of strategic planning entities within criminal justice systems and explain why a jurisdiction may want to pursue the formation of a strategic planning body” (p. 1). Sections cover: reasons to assemble a strategic planning entity; the foundations of strategic planning entries; their purpose; staffing; organizational structure; suggested planning entity organizational structure; potential justice reinvestment activities of planning entity participants... Read More
10 pages
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Tracking Costs and Savings through Justice Reinvestment
By Lachman, Pamela; Neusteter, S. Rebecca. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
This brief “provides guidance on how stakeholders can conduct a comprehensive assessment of local criminal justice spending, how they should target their reinvestment efforts, and how they can make the most of the savings achieved through the justice reinvestment process.” (p. 2). Sections of this publication include: the local justice reinvestment model; documenting costs and demonstrating savings; tracking populations across systems; measuring savings throughout jurisdictions; determining how ... Read More
12 pages
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Is the Juvenile Justice Realignment Train Slowing Down?
By Butts, Jeffrey A.; Carrion, Gladys; Steinhart, David; Rodriguez, Jennifer. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). National Center for Youth in Custody (NC4YC) (Kalamazoo, MI).
“After nearly two decades of falling crime, down-sizing juvenile corrections and detention is a central theme in a growing number of juvenile justice systems … What does the future hold for juvenile justice reform? Were the changes that occurred over the past ten years a permanent shift in policy and practice, or were they merely a temporary reaction to tight budgets and low rates of violent crime? Will policymakers maintain reforms if and when crime rises or budgets rebound?” Topics discussed i... Read More
41 pages
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The State of Sentencing 2011: Developments in Policy and Practice
By Porter, Nicole D.. The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC).
Individuals at the state legislative level should look at this report for ideas on how to reduce corrections costs while maintaining public safety. Topics discussed include: key criminal justice policy reforms and legislation passed in 2011; sentencing; probation and parole; collateral consequences; juvenile justice; and policy recommendations.... Read More
26 p.
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Juvenile Detention Reform: A Guide for County Officials
National Association of Counties (NACo). Community Services Division (Washington, DC).
“Reforms are desperately needed in local juvenile justice system across the country. Too many youth are often unnecessarily or inappropriately detained, with long-lasting negative consequences for both public safety and youth development. Increasingly counties must confront the challenges of finding alternatives to juvenile detention in order to reduce costs and improve community cohesion. In order to make dramatic and influential reforms in the juvenile justice system policymakers and practitio... Read More
18 pages
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How Can We Know If Juvenile Justice Reforms Are Worth the Cost?
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Models for Change (Washington, DC).
“This policy brief summarizes the benefit-cost analysis of a set of reforms intended to make juvenile detention more developmentally productive: residential centers that provide youths with group-based cognitive behavior therapy” (p. 1). It offers great information for other agencies considering juvenile justice reform. Sections of this brief include: introduction; what should count as a benefit; what can be monetized; how costs should be quantified; and the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detent... Read More
4 pages
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An Executive Summary: Rethinking Juvenile Justice
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Models for Change (Washington, DC).
This brief provides a very nice summary of the book “Rethinking Juvenile Justice” by Elizabeth S. Scott and Laurence Steinberg. “They outline a new development model that is complex, nuanced, and grounded in scientific evidence” (p. 1). This publication explains why it is a great time for reform—we know more about adolescent development, public attitudes are changing, and incarcerating juveniles is not very cost-effective. This summary also discusses: fairness and the principle of proportionalit... Read More
4 pages
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State Reforms Promoting Employment of People with Criminal Records: 2010-11 Legislative Round-Up
By Rodriguez, Michelle Natividad; Farid, Elizabeth; Porter, Nicole. National Employment Law Project (NELP) (New York, NY); The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC); National H.I.R.E. Network (New York, NY).
State reforms enacted in 2010 and 2011 “that allow qualified people with criminal records to compete more fairly for employment” are noted along with “state trends of concern that broadly restrict employment based on a criminal record” (p. 1). Policies are organized according to: inventories of collateral consequences; fair hiring and occupational licensing standards; restoration of eligibility for employment and occupational licensing; expungement and sealing of records; prohibiting discriminat... Read More
23 pages
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Impact & Influence: The Role of Local Jurisdictions in Managing Prison Population Size
By Davies, Elizabeth; La Vigne, Nancy G.. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
“The purpose of this white paper is to explore the role of local jurisdictions in state prison population management strategies by examining the three policy levers in the criminal justice system that can most directly and immediately influence the number of people in prison” (p. 3). Other jurisdictions can take away ideas about how they can impact growth in their own prison populations. State strategies, local impact, local influence, and findings and implications are provided for sentencing, i... Read More
50 pages
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Model State Legislation to Reduce Employment Barriers for People with Criminal Records
By Rodriguez, Michelle Natividad; Clark, Melanca; Porter, Nicole; Farid, Elizabeth. National Employment Law Project (NELP) (New York, NY); The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC); National H.I.R.E. Network (New York, NY).
This resource is a set of slides from a presentation regarding the employment of ex-offenders with criminal records. Topics covered include: Federal Interagency Reentry Council activities; list of key resources; legislative roundup; raising awareness of collateral consequences through inventories; fairer hiring and occupational licensing standards; restoration of eligibility for employment and occupational licensing; expungement and sealing of criminal records; transition from incarceration to e... Read More
39 pages
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Ten Truths about Juvenile Justice Reform
By Moll, Jeanette. Texas Public Policy Foundation. Center for Effective Justice (Austin, TX).
Guidance on how to achieve reductions in operational expenditures while implementing comprehensive juvenile justice reform is provided. While this publication is targeted for state lawmakers, its content should be taken into account by local decision makers. state Reform efforts should incorporate the following ten truths about juvenile justice: confinement is still necessary; juvenile residential programs should be community-based when possible; confinement should not be the default response; r... Read More
4 pages
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Smart Reform Is Possible: States Reducing Incarceration Rates and Costs While Protecting Communities
By Gupta, Vanita; Chettiar, Inimai; Bloom, Rachel; Bunnell, Zoe; Fogel, Elana; Martin, Jon. American Civil Liberties Union Foundation (New York, NY).
Reform efforts in states throughout the U.S. are discussed. Also provided is a “selection of recommendations for legislative and administrative reforms that states should implement to reduce their incarcerated populations and corrections budgets, while keeping our communities safe” (p. 6). Sections of this report are: introduction; recommendations for reform; states implementing successful bipartisan reforms—Texas, Kansas, Mississippi, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Ohio; states working toward re... Read More
80 pages
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E-Bulletin: Sentencing and Corrections Policy Updates
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) (Denver, CO).
“This newsletter provides periodic updates on state sentencing and corrections legislation and budgets; highlights innovative policies and programs; and connects you with reports and news of upcoming NCSL [National Conference of State Legislatures] events.” Access points include current and previous issues of the E-Bulletin and archive of articles.... Read More
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2011 Kentucky Reforms Cut Recidivism, Costs: Broad Bill Enacts Evidence-Based Strategies
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project. Arkansas Working Group on Sentencing and Corrections (Washington, DC).
The development and enactment of Kentucky’s Public Safety and Offender Accountability Act is discussed. Ideas can be drawn from this publication for creating similar legislation. Sections of this issue brief include: overview describing the problem, consequences, drivers, reforms, and impact; background; charting a new path; policies and practices leading to prison growth in Kentucky—increase in arrest and court cases, high percentage of offenders being sentenced to prison, more technical parole... Read More
12 pages
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Arkansas’s 2011 Public Safety Reform: Legislation to Reduce Recidivism and Central Prison Growth
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project. Arkansas Working Group on Sentencing and Corrections (Washington, DC).
An evaluation of Arkansas’s prison system and ways to addressing its problems is presented. This report offers recommendations that can be useful in your state’s efforts to reduce its prison population and improve public safety efficiencies. Sections comprising this issue brief include: summary of problem, finding, reforms, and impact; background; the Arkansas Working Group on Sentencing and Corrections; key findings—underutilization of probation, longer prison sentences for non-violent offenses... Read More
16 pages
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Return on Investment: Evidence-Based Options to Improve Statewide Outcomes--July 2011 Update
By Aos, Steve; Lee, Stephanie; Drake, Elizabeth; Pennucci, Annie; Klima, Tali; Miller, Marna; Anderson, Laurie; Mayfield, Jim; Burley, Mason. Washington State Institute for Public Policy (Olympia, WA).
An overview is presented of findings (as of July 2011) regarding “a comprehensive list of programs and policies that improve … outcomes for children and adults in Washington and result in more cost-efficient use of public resources” (p. 1). Sections comprising this report are: summary; background; the four-step research approach that assesses what works, calculates costs and benefits and ranks options, measures the risks associated with the analysis, and estimates the impact of various option co... Read More
8 pages
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Smart on Crime: Recommendations for the Administration and Congress
Smart on Crime Coalition (Washington, DC).
This publication “incorporates cost-effective, evidence-based solutions to address the worst problems in our [criminal justice] system” (p. ii). This report may be full of recommendations, but these provide a look at the current state of criminal justice in the United States. Sixteen chapters follow an executive summary and summary of recommendations: overcriminalization of conduct, overfederalization of criminal law, and exercise of enforcement discretion; asset forfeiture; federal investigatio... Read More
317 pages
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The State of Sentencing 2010: Developments in Policy and Practice
By Porter, Nicole D.. The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC).
Individuals at the state legislative level should look at this report for ideas on how to reduce corrections costs while maintaining public safety. Topics discussed include: key criminal justice policy reforms and legislation passed in 2010; sentencing; probation and parole; drug policy; prison census count; collateral consequences; juvenile justice; and policy recommendations.... Read More
22 p.
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The Impact of Arizona’s Probation Reforms
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
Other states looking to reduce their spending on corrections will find this issue brief valuable. It describes the efforts of Arizona to establish a justice reinvestment approach for evidence-based reforms “to protect safety, hold offenders accountable and control corrections costs” (p.1). Sections of this document include: Arizona probation outcomes for 2008-2010; the Safe Communities Act of 2008, earned time credits, and performance incentive funding; trends in probation outcomes; and declines... Read More
5 pages
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Misplaced Priorities: Over Incarceration, Under Educate
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Baltimore, MD).
Anyone worried about the state of education in the United States needs to read this report. A “policy agenda that will financially prioritize investments in education over incarceration, provide equal protection under the law, eliminate sentencing policies responsible for over incarceration, and advance public safety strategies that effectively increase healthy development in communities” is laid out (p. 1). Six sections follow an executive summary: introduction; America’s prison system—unfair a... Read More
62 pages
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Finding Direction: Expanding Criminal Justice Options by Considering Policies of Other Nations
By Petteruti, Amanda; Fenster, Jason. Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC).
Individuals that are interested in or charged with reducing correctional costs needs to read this report. This publication "concentrate[s] on current practices and structures that could realistically be changed, and models from other comparison nations that could be replicated or adapted, to reduce incarceration in the U.S.” (p. 4). Contents of this publication include: introduction; similarities between nations make policy opportunities possible; the U.S. leads the world in incarceration, but t... Read More
84 pages
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Due South: Looking to the South for Criminal Justice Innovations
Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC).
This report describes strategies for reducing correctional costs while improving public safety. Other jurisdictions can adapt these practices to increase system efficiencies and cut operational costs. Sections following a summary are: interacting with people with mental illness in Memphis (TN); expanding pretrial release in Broward County (FL); reforming arrest and pretrial practices in New Orleans (LA); reducing incarceration for nonviolent offenders in Arkansas; rolling back “Truth in Sentenci... Read More
38 pages
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Sentencing Reform: Amid Mass Incarcerations--Guarded Optimism
By Mauer, Marc.
“As we analyze the admittedly modest openings for reform regarding mass incarceration, we are presented with a classic case of whether the glass is half empty or half full.” The author presents the relevant facts in order for the reader to come to their own conclusion. This article is also a great read for legislators looking for strategies to address their own problems with incarceration growth. Sections discuss: the changing climate for criminal justice reform; current reform at the state leve... Read More
10 pages
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Fiscal and Structural Reform—Solutions to Pennsylvania’s Growing Inmate Population
Pennsylvania Dept. of the Auditor General (Harrisburg, PA).
Extremely useful strategies that reduce rising prison populations are discussed in this report. Jurisdictions facing similar challenges own it to themselves to read this document. Sections of it are: Pennsylvania’s growing inmate population; impact on the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections; what Pennsylvania has done—programs and enacted and proposed legislation; corrections spending across the United States; how other states have addressed corrections spending—Texas, New York, New Jersey, ... Read More
15 pages
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Setting an Agenda for Family-Focused Justice Reform
By diZerega, Margaret; Verdone, Jules. Vera Institute of Justice (New York, NY).
Anyone interested in reduced recidivism should read this report. It describes what a family-focused approach is and why it is important while laying out a seven step process for family-focused justice reform. The seven steps are: emphasize safety and security; borrow and adapt from best practices to develop a model; encourage more contact between incarcerated individuals and their supportive family members; involve family members in shaping policy and practice; conduct more research and gather m... Read More
20 pages
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Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA) Long Term Plan to Build and Enhance Tribal Justice Systems
U.S. Dept. of Justice (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of the Interior (Washington, DC); United States. Work Group on Corrections (Washington, DC).
Action steps and recommendations for implementing the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA) are presented. “TOLA provides a critical opportunity to acquire the tools needed to build effective alternatives to incarceration and to improve incarceration and reentry strategies” (p. 5). Chapters comprising this report are: background; alternatives to incarceration in Indian Country—overview, strategies, alternatives to incarceration programs used, and recommendations for actions and strategies; detention i... Read More
49 pages
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Context and Impact of Organizational Changes in State Corrections Agencies: A Study of Local Discourses and Practices in Kansas and Michigan
By Rengifo, Andres F.; Stemen, Don. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The impact of external and internal forces on “corrections policy innovation in which measures to control prison populations and enhance service delivery were implemented despite challenging institutional and social environments” is examined (p. 2). This is good reading for those agencies looking to implement their own strategies for correctional system reform. This report contains these sections: introduction; the context and dynamics of corrections reform—expanding capacity (1980 to early 1990... Read More
65 pages
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The California Miracle: Drastically Reduced Youth Incarceration, Drastically Reduced Youth Crime
By Males, Mike; Macallair, Daniel. Fund for Nonviolence and Drug Policy Alliance (Santa Cruz, CA). Center for Juvenile and Criminal Justice (San Francisco, CA).
Individuals interested in the relationship between reduced youth crime and reduced incarceration of youth should read this article. Its authors investigated juvenile incarceration and crime trends over the past five decades. These results show that serious problems exist with juvenile incapacitation. Sections of this report are: summary of findings; introductions; incapacitation theory and practice in California; statewide juvenile crime trends; statewide DJF (Division of Juvenile Facilities) co... Read More
15 p.
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The Real Costs and Benefits of Change: Finding Opportunities for Reform During Difficult Fiscal Times
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). National Juvenile Justice Network (Washington, DC).
Individuals advocating for cost-effective juvenile justice reform need to turn to this guide “to help reinforce the value, both in terms of dollars and substance, of progressive programming for juveniles that leads to positive youth outcomes and healthy communities” (p.1). This document is divided into four parts: the problem, moving toward reform in a time of fiscal crisis; substantive and tactical strategies to realign and reduce spending while maintaining progressive programming; using the fi... Read More
19 p.
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Mississippi’s Correction Reform: How America’s Reddest State – and Most Notorious Prison – Became a Model of Corrections Reform
By Buntin, John.
Readers of this article will find some useful strategies for their own reform efforts. Unit 32 of the infamous Parchman Farm is highlighted along with the work of Mississippi Department of Corrections Commissioner Christopher Epps to address Mississippi’s problems with its correctional system.... Read More
6 p.
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Making Law and Policy the Work: A Handbook for Law and Policy Makers on Reforming Criminal Justice and Penal Legislation, Policy and Practice
Sigrid Rausing Trust (London, England). Penal Reform International (London, England).
The authors “hope that this Handbook will stimulate interest in the many facets of criminal justice reform which go unexplored, and result in fair, humane and effective justice that respects the rights, characteristics and needs of all members of society” (p. 1). The sections of this guide are: principle sources for this publication; a fair and effective approach to criminal justice—underlying principles of law and policy reform; strategies for developing law and policy—establishing a process, i... Read More
104 pages
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Money Well Spent: How Positive Social Investments Will Reduce Incarceration Rates, Improve Public Safety, and Promote the Well-Being of Communities
By Lyons, Sarah; Walsh, Nastassia. Justice Policy Institute (JPI) (Washington, DC).
The relationship between poverty, crime, and incarceration is explained through this study of Washington, DC. Sections of this report include: while crime is down, arrests are up, particularly in low-income communities; increasing investments in housing will reduce incarceration rates, improve public safety, and promote community well-being; increasing access to mental health and substance abuse treatment will reduce incarceration rates, improve public safety, and promote community well-being; i... Read More
74 pages
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A Road Map for Juvenile Justice Reform
Annie E. Casey Foundation (Baltimore, MD).
Individuals interested in or advocating for changes to the juvenile justice system need to read this publication. “There is now an increasingly clear route for moving juvenile justice away from counterproductive, dangerous, wasteful, but still commonplace, practices and toward a more effective, efficient, and just approach to addressing adolescent crime” (p. 3). Sections of this essay are: a noble idea, unrealized; a compelling critique; and a road map for reform—implement developmentally appro... Read More
52 pages
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Improving the Effectiveness of Juvenile Justice Programs: A New Perspective on Evidence-Based Practices
By Lipsey, Mark W.; Howell, James C.; Kelly, Marion R.; Chapman, Gabrielle; Carver, Darin. Georgetown University. Public Policy Institute. Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (Washington, DC).
“This paper introduces a framework for major juvenile justice system reform—the integration of a forward-looking administrative model with evidence-based programming” (p. 5). This document is divided into ten parts: introduction; the cyclic history of criminal justice treatment and punishment philosophies; prevention and intervention programs for juvenile delinquency; evidence-based practice—more than one approach; meta-analysis of research on the effects of incarceration programs for juvenile o... Read More
68 pages
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Criminal Justice Trends: Key Legislative Changes in Sentencing Policy, 2001-2010
By Austin, Adrienne. Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC). Vera Institute of Justice. Center on Sentencing and Corrections (New York, NY).
Changes in state sentencing policies during the period of 2001 to 2010 are discussed. Sections of this publication are: introduction; redefining and reclassifying criminal offenses—criminal codes, drug crimes, and property crimes; strengthening alternatives to incarceration—enhancing substance abuse treatment, establishing performance incentive funding, mandating evidence-based supervision, and expanding court-monitored treatment; and reducing prison terms—relaxing mandatory minimum laws, expand... Read More
18 pages
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Daring to Fail: First-Person Stories of Criminal Justice Reform
By Fox, Aubrey, editor; Gold, Emily, editor. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Center for Court Innovation (New York, NY).
The views of 36 individuals, a virtual who’s who of current criminal justice leaders, regarding failure and the implementation of innovative evidence-based practices are presented. “While each interview is unique – questions were tailored to each individual’s experience – in general the interviewees were asked to reflect candidly on challenges from their own professional career and lessons they have learned along the way” (p. 5-6).... Read More
93 pages
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The National Summit on Justice Reinvestment and Public Safety: Addressing Recidivism, Crime, and Corrections Spending
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC); U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC); Public Welfare Foundation (Washington, DC). Council of States Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
Materials from a national summit regarding “data-driven, fiscally responsible policies and practices that can increase public safety and reduce recidivism and spending on corrections” are available at this website. Points of entry include: overview and Summit report; multimedia; media coverage; and hearing testimony. Individuals tasked with reducing correctional spending should look at this resource.... Read More
2 pages
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Justice Reinvestment: A Data-Driven Approach to Reduce Corrections Spending and Reinvest Savings in Strategies That Can Decrease Crime and Strengthen Neighborhoods
Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
An overview of the justice reinvestment process is provided. This brief looks at: how justice reinvestment works—analyze data and develop policy options, adopt new policies and put reinvestment strategies into place, and measure performance; and case studies from Texas and Kansas.... Read More
4 p.
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Right-Sizing Prisons: Business Leaders Make the Case for Corrections Reform
Pew Center on the States (Washington, DC).
Business leaders interested in promoting corrections reform will find this article very illuminating. Topics discussed are: how business organizations can get involved in sentencing and corrections issues and why these issues are important to the business community; specific policy changes being advanced in the interviewees’ communities; how community members are attempting to reform influence reform; and the political and other challenges encountered and strategies to deal with them.... Read More
8 p.
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The State of Sentencing 2009: Developments in Policy and Practice
By Porter, Nicole D.. The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC).
Individuals at the state legislative level should look at this report for ideas on how to reduce corrections costs while maintaining public safety. Topics discussed include: key criminal justice policy reforms and legislation passed in 2009; mandatory minimum sentences; other sentencing mandates; death penalty; oversight committee; parole; juveniles; sexual offense; ease of sanctions against ex-felons; and policy recommendations.... Read More
23 p.
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Downscaling Prisons: Lessons from Four States
By Green, Judith; Mauer, Marc. The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC).
Policy makers in states looking to reduce the number of individuals incarcerated in their prisons should read this report. The practical ways (via policies and reforms) significant declines were achieved in the prison populations of Kansas, Michigan, New Jersey, and New York are explained. Substantial case studies are used to describe sentencing reforms, alternatives to “prison bound” people, reduction in time served in prison, parole release rates, revocation reductions, and other relevant topi... Read More
62 p.
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Correctional Policy: Preparing for EBPs
By Taxman, Faye S.. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Criminal Justice/Drug Abuse Treatment Studies (CJ-DATS) (Bethesda, MD). George Washington University (Washington, DC); John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Prisoner Reentry Institute (New York, NY).
Are you looking for a presentation that explains why evidence-based practices (EBPs) are applicable to the field of corrections? Let professor Taxman provide the answers to you. Topics discussed include: what is the point of this exercise?—the first question to ask; what works for offenders; the quest for EBPs; why EBPs are important; the challenge—using EBPs; national survey of their use; the importance of type of reform efforts; what matters in the adoption of EBPs; factors to improve networkn... Read More
30 p.
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Reforming the Juvenile Justice System to Improve Children’s Lives and Public Safety
U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Education and Labor (Washington, DC).
People with interests regarding the juvenile justice system in the U.S. should go to this hearing’s website. The hearing “explore[d] how reforming the juvenile justice system can help increase public safety and protect children’s well-being … [as it is related to] the reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA).” Access is provided to the archived webcast and transcripts of the opening statement and witness testimony.... Read More
2 p.
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Reforming Juvenile Justice Systems: Beyond Treatment
By Willison, Janeen Buck; Brooks, Lisa; Salas, Meghan; Dank, Meredith; Denver, Megan; Gitlow, Elissa; Roman, John K.; Butts, Jeffrey A.. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Princeton, NJ). Portland State University. Reclaiming Futures National Program Office (Portland, OR); Urban Institute (Washington, DC).
This report is for those individuals responsible for developing strategies to improve the effectiveness of their juvenile justice systems. Sections include: introduction; adding to evidence-based approaches—youth development (i.e., pro-social opportunities, Youth Advisory Committees, community involvement, family involvement, and mentors/”natural helpers”), and cultural competence—recognizing the need for cultural competence, addressing and increasing cultural competence, and crafting a cultural... Read More
34 p.
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Justice Reinvestment at the Local Level
Urban Institute. Justice Policy Center (Washington, DC).
“Justice reinvestment employs data and collaborative decisionmaking to help jurisdictions lower crime, criminal justice spending, and control growth in correctional populations” (p.1). This website provides access to publications, press reports, events, resources, and contact information.... Read More
4 p.
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Cross Governmental Sentencing and Corrections Policy Forum
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC); State Justice Institute (SJI) (Alexandria, VA). National Governors' Association. Center for Best Practices (Washington, DC); National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) (Denver, CO); National Center for State Courts (Williamsburg, VA); Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
“During the forum, nine state teams comprised of members from the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government convened to identify and evaluate strategies to improve state sentencing and corrections policies to reduce corrections costs and improve sentencing outcomes, while maintaining public safety.” Presentation overheads are provided for: “Evidence-Based Sentencing to Control Crime and Reduce Costs” by Roger Warren; “Criminal Justice Trends: Changes in Sentencing Policy 2001-20... Read More
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Models for Change: Innovations in Practice
By Griffin, Patrick. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). National Center for Juvenile Justice (Pittsburgh,PA).
Four promising innovations in juvenile justice system reform are described. These strategies are “all home-grown, but all capable of being studied, shared, and adapted elsewhere” (p. 2). These models of reform are: Pennsylvania Academic and Career/Technical Training (PACTT) Alliance; Peacekeeping Circles—expanding informal alternatives in Peoria, Illinois; Jefferson Parrish—dealing with racial disparities at the front door in Louisiana; and King County—uniting for youth in Washington.... Read More
12 pages
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A Data-Driven Approach to Reducing Prison Spending
National Conferences of State Legislatures (Denver, CO).
Access is provided to an 83 minute session “about some of the data-driven strategies that states are using to create policies that decrease recidivism, protect public safety and reduce prison spending”. Links are also provided to the speaker’s presentations.... Read More
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Smarter Choices ... Safer Communities
By Jerome, Richard. Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
These presentation slides show how states can be tough on crime while also reducing the costs of corrections. Some of the topics covered include: who is behind bars; corrections costs; probation cost versus prison cost per day ($3.42 vs. $78.95); states can have less crime at a lower cost; a window of opportunity; less prison, more accountability; reinvestment support strong across party lines; and diverse states pursuing reinvestment strategies.... Read More
24 pages
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The Future of Sentencing in New York State: Recommendations for Reform
New York State Commission on Sentencing Reform (Albany, NY).
Strategies for simplifying New York State's sentencing process are explained. Eight parts follow an executive summary: criminal sentencing in New York State -- a historical overview; greater simplicity in sentencing; a measured approach to reforming New York's drug laws; using evidence-based practices to improve offender outcomes; expanding successful Department of Correctional Services' programs; crime victims and sentencing; planning for the future -- a permanent Sentencing Commission for New... Read More
256 p.
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The State of Sentencing 2008: Developments in Policy and Practice
By King, Ryan S.. The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC).
Legislation at the state level impacting criminal justice policies and procedures is described. Laws are organized into the following areas: probation and parole policy; drug policy; racial disparity; sentencing; felony disenfranchisement; juvenile justice; higher education in prison; and policy recommendations.... Read More
14 p.
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Increasing Local Involvement in New Mexico Prison Reform and Offender Reentry Initiatives: Key Elements in Enhanced Public Safety and Recidivism Reduction
New Mexico. Office of The Governor. Task Force on Prison Reform (Santa Fe, NM).
The focus of the Task Force was “how to increase the involvement of local communities and agencies in prison reform and reentry initiatives … Perhaps the most important recommendation is that local reentry councils should be created in key communities in the state, the councils to be comprised of government and non-government persons representing agencies and organizations with a particular expertise or interest in offender reentry and reform” (p. 2). Sections that follow an executive summary ar... Read More
15 pages
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Corrections Budgets in Free Fall: Finding Opportunities in Turbulent Times [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held on April 15, 2009]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
Budget reductions don’t discriminate. Correctional agencies are being hit hard in these tough economic times with no relief from mandates. Prisons, jails, and community corrections are all faced with increasing workloads, combined with diminishing resources. Amid the worsening financial crisis, there are opportunities to implement evidence-based strategies that can maximize resources while preserving public safety. This 3-hour program provides an overview of opportunities that can help corre... Read More
2 computer disks; DVD-ROM (158 min.) + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Maximum Impact: Targeting Supervision on Higher-Risk People, Places and Times
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
This brief explains how "a new strategy of targeted community corrections can help cut the massive and still rising parole and probation rolls, while at the same time saving money and reducing crime" (p. 2). Topics covered include: frontload resources -- targeting supervision at higher-risk times; impact players -- targeting supervision at higher-risk offenders; location matters -- targeting supervision on higher-risk places; and offender concentration allows focused caseloads.... Read More
7 p.
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Final Report of the Go to 2040 Crime and Justice Planning Initiative
By Myrent, Mark; Rosenbaum, Dennis P.. Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (Chicago, IL).
A 30-year plan for addressing six major issues that will impact crime prevention and public safety in Illinois is provided. These issues are: refining the understanding of the causes of crime and delinquency; addressing the needs of crime victims; fairness and equity in law enforcement strategies; community engagement and capacity-building for a holistic approach to crime prevention and intervention; non-criminal justice solutions for drug offenders; and alternatives to incarceration and offend... Read More
50 p.
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Avoiding Failures of Implementation: Lessons from Process Evaluations
By Cissner, Amanda B.; Farole, Donald J., Jr.. U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC). Center for Court Innovation (New York, NY).
"This paper primarily examines failures of implementation or, in other words, failures arising not from a fundamentally flawed theory of change, but from missteps in planning and execution" (p. 1). Sections contained in this document include: introduction; methods; engaging in comprehensive planning; identifying key stakeholders; responding to emerging challenges; recognizing the need for leadership; and conclusion. Nine lessons are identified. An appendix provides brief descriptions for the ev... Read More
12 p.
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Two Decades of JDAI: A Progress Report: From Demonstration Project to National Standards
By Mendel, Richard A.. Annie E. Casey Foundation (Baltimore, MD).
“This report documents JDAI’s [Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative’s] recent progress both in reforming juvenile detention practices nationwide and also in contributing to the larger movement for more comprehensive reforms in juvenile justice” (p.2). Sections contained in this report include: overview; juvenile detention reform—why it matters; what JDAI is and how it works; how wide the JDAI model is being replicated nationwide; what participating sites achieved through detention reform; ... Read More
31 p.
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Out of Trouble: Reducing Child Imprisonment in England and Wales--Lessons from Abroad
By Solomon, Enver; Allen, Rob. Prison Reform Trust (London, England); Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Trust (London, England); King's College London. International Centre for Prison Studies (London, England).
“The primary purpose of this report is to look at specific policy and practice examples from outside the UK and also examples of relevant recent wholesale youth justice reform that has successfully reduced the number of children incarcerated in a particular jurisdiction” (p. iv). These ten chapters are bookended by an introduction and conclusion: alternatives to custodial remand; dealing with non-compliance; measures for children under 15; alternatives for violent/serious persistent offenders; t... Read More
63 p.
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Out of Trouble: Reducing Child Imprisonment in England and Wales--Lessons from Abroad
By Solomon, Enver; Allen, Rob. Prison Reform Trust (London, England); Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Trust (London, England); King's College London. International Centre for Prison Studies (London, England).
“The primary purpose of this report is to look at specific policy and practice examples from outside the UK and also examples of relevant recent wholesale youth justice reform that has successfully reduced the number of children incarcerated in a particular jurisdiction” (p. iv). These ten chapters are bookended by an introduction and conclusion: alternatives to custodial remand; dealing with non-compliance; measures for children under 15; alternatives for violent/serious persistent offenders; t... Read More
63 p.
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Criminal Justice Reform Resources, 2008-2009
By Strutin, Ken. LLRX.com (Washington, DC); Law Library Resource Xchange (Washington, DC).
Resources about criminal justice reform are reviewed. Articles are organized into the following area: criminal justice; discovery; forensics; juvenile justice; prosecutorial misconduct; public defense; sentencing and wrongful conviction.... Read More
9 p.
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Turnkey of Professionals? A Vision for the 21st Century Prison Officer
Howard League for Penal Reform (London, England).
The future role of prison officers is discussed. Sections of this report include: introduction; numbers and attitudes; recruitment; an inquiry of mental history and self harm in custody; an international comparison—Norway; the role of the prison officer; prison expansion and the changing role of the prison officer; and conclusion.... Read More
18 p.
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Aspiring to the Impracticable: Alternatives to Incarceration in the Era of Mass Incarceration
By Weissman, Marsha.
The fact that “while ATI [alternatives-to-incarceration] programming holds promise as part of a criminal justice reform strategy, the full realization of this promise is thwarted by the structure and rules of the criminal justice system itself” is explained (p. 237). This article is divided into three parts: alternatives-to-incarceration programs—the development of ATI programming, the Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) and New York City’s ATI programs, documentation of ATI program effecti... Read More
34 p.
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Lighting the Way: Improving Corrections Policies and Practices: An Integrated Model of Corrections Founded on Evidence Based Practices
Crime and Justice Institute (CJI) (Boston, MA).
This brochure provides an overview of CJI’s integrated model of eight evidence-based practices (EBPs) for corrections. Topics discussed include: in light of the facts; focused on improvement; the case for evidence-based improvement; justice in practice; real-world EBP—keys to success; and CJI shedding new light.... Read More
16 p.
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A Need for Correction: Reforming New York's Juvenile Justice System
By White, Andrew, ed.; Hemphill, Clara, ed.; Hurley, Kendra, ed.. Center for New York City Affairs (New York, NY); Center for an Urban Future (New York, NY).
This publication provides some insight into the need for reform in New York’s juvenile justice system. Contents include: Recommendations and Solutions; Where the Sick Get Sicker; Private Institutions, Public Costs; Admissions of Juvenile Delinquents and Juvenile Offenders to Institutions, 1998-2009; How New York’s Juvenile Justice System Works; Homes for Teens, Not Lock-Ups; Keeping It in the Family; On the Same Page—A Family Focused Approach; What the Alternatives Are; Snapshot of Juvenile Just... Read More
24 p.
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Charting a New Course: A Blueprint for Transforming Juvenile Justice in New York State
New York. Governor's Task Force on Transforming Juvenile Justice (Albany, NY); Vera Institute of Justice (New York, NY).
Strategies are explained that will change the juvenile justice system of New York from a “punitive approach toward a rehabilitative, treatment-focused model of care that promotes public safety, holds youth accountable for their actions, and produces positive outcomes for young people and their families.” Chapters following an executive summary are: the fundamentals of reform; keeping more kids at home—a shift to community-based services; rethinking institutional placement; ensuring successful re... Read More
104 p.
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Past, Present, and Future of Juvenile Justice: Assessing the Policy Options (APO): Final Report
By Willison, Janeen Buck; Mears, Daniel P.; Shollenberger, Tracey; Owens, Colleen; Butts, Jeffrey A.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). Urban Institute (Washington, DC).
This study aims to “provide policymakers, administrators, and practitioners with actionable information about how to improve the operations and effectiveness of the juvenile justice system, and to examine the role practitioners could play in constructing sound juvenile justice policy” ( p. 1). Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; study design and methods; survey findings regarding sample description, practitioner views of juvenile justice needs and priorities, practitio... Read More
139 pages
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Women's Voices: Advocacy by Criminal Justice-Involved Women
By Villanueva, Chandra; From, Sarah B.. Open Society Institute-New York (New York, NY). Women's Prison Association and Home, Inc. Institute on Women and Criminal Justice (New York, NY).
Eleven groups of incarcerated and/or formerly incarcerated women that are working for criminal justice system reform are profiled. These groups are: Alabama Women's Resource Network/Long-Timers; Women's Re-Entry Network (AZ); A New Way of Life Reentry Project (CA); The Center for Young Women's Development (CA); Visible Voices (IL); Power Inside (MD); ReConnect (NY); Women of Substance (NY); Women On the Rise Telling HerStory (NY); Women's Advocacy Project (NY); and Women Evolving (VT).... Read More
18 p.
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One in 31: The Long Reach of American Corrections
By Warren, Jenifer. Pew Center on the States (Washington, DC).
The ability of states to both balance the budget and improve public safety by strengthening community corrections is explained. Sections following an executive summary include: the surging correctional population in the U.S.; prisons -- 32% of the growth, 88% of the cost; more prisons spending brings lower public safety returns; community corrections -- a strategy for safety and savings; and a rare moment in time for reform.... Read More
45 p.
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Bearing Witness: Baltimore City's Residents Give Voice to What's Needed to Fix the Criminal Justice System
By Belway, Shakti. Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC); Open Society Institute-Baltimore (Baltimore, MD). Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC).
"Bearing Witness' is the culmination of interviews with people from Baltimore City about their experiences with the criminal justice system" and how to improve it (p. 3). Sections following an executive summary are: introduction; meeting the unique needs of women and families; closing the revolving door -- reforming parole and probation; a public health approach to drug use and addiction; seizing the opportunity for change -- investing in solutions; embrace restorative justice -- focus on heali... Read More
36 p.
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Justice Reinvestments in Wisconsin: Reducing Spending on Corrections and Reinvesting in Strategies to Increase Public Safety
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC); Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
The process of providing technical assistance to the state of Wisconsin to reduce correctional spending while increasing public safety is explained. This brief has these sections: background; snapshot of crime, recidivism, and corrections trends in Wisconsin; and the Justice Center's three phases of assistance -- analysis and policy development, policy implementation, and accountability strategies.... Read More
4 p.
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Justice Reinvestment in Texas: Assessing the Impact of the 2007 Justice Reinvestment Initiative
U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Washington, DC); Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC). Council of State Governments. Justice Center (New York, NY).
The effect of Texas' implementation of a "justice reinvestment strategy to increase public safety and reduce spending on corrections" is explained (p. 1). Sections of this bulletin include: highlights of findings; Texas's growing prison population in 2007; description of the Justice Reinvestment Initiative enacted in 2007; implementation of the Initiative; implementation status; prison population trends 2007-2009; 2009 prison population projections; actual population at calendar year end compar... Read More
10 p.
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Best Practices in Juvenile Justice Reform
The Future of Children (Princeton, NJ).
The use of evidence-based practices in the reform of juvenile justice systems is explained. Topics discussed include: the case for evidence-based reform; why states do not implement evidence-based treatment programs; model programs; prevention programs; community-based interventions; institutional settings; and where to start.... Read More
6 p.
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Reinvesting in New Jersey Youth: Building on Successful Juvenile Detention Reform
By Hanna, Alison; McGowan, Maria. New Jersey Office of the Child Advocate (Trenton, NJ).
"This policy brief discusses the need for county and state leaders to capitalize on the success of detention center reforms that have resulted in fewer youth being confined in county detention centers" (p. 2). This report contains these sections: new alternatives to juvenile detention; declining numbers of NJ youth in detention; why detention reform is important; youth in detention have significant needs; from concept to action -- national examples of the ripple effect of detention reform; refo... Read More
18 p.
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Using Media Advocacy to Promote Detention Reform: A Practice Guide to Juvenile Detention Reform
By Vetter, Stephanie. Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC); Annie E. Casey Foundation. Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) (Baltimore, MD).
“Written specifically for juvenile justice advocates and officials, this handbook provides step-by-step media approaches to promote the system reforms achieved through the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI)” (p. 2.). Sections contained in this manual are: introduction -- how to use this practice guide; the purpose of media advocacy; proactive media strategies -- how to promote detention reform; create a compelling message; preparing for an interview -- tricks of the trade; crisis ... Read More
48 p.
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Pruning Prisons: How Cutting Corrections Can Save Money and Protect Public Policy
Justice Policy Institute (Washington, DC).
Ways to “save money and improve public safety by making incremental changes today which use existing, evidence-based strategies to reduce correctional populations and spending” are explained (p.1). Topics discussed following a summary include: the U.S. spends billions of dollars on incarceration every year; incarceration does not necessarily benefit public safety; policies continue to fuel increasing incarceration rates; increasing the availability of parole could save government agencies milli... Read More
23 p.
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Arming the Courts with Research: 10 Evidence-Based Sentencing Initiatives to Control Crime and Reduce Costs
Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
The use of cost-effective evidence-based practices to reduce offender recidivism, crime rates, and costs is explained. Strategies covered are: establish recidivism reductions as an explicit sentencing goal; provide sufficient flexibility to consider recidivism reduction options; base sentencing decisions on risk/needs assessment; require community corrections programs to be evidence-based; integrate services and sanctions; ensure courts know about available sentencing options; encourage swift a... Read More
6 p.
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Evidence-Based Public Policy Options to Reduce Crime and Criminal Justice Costs: Implications in Washington State
By Drake, Elizabeth K.; Aos, Steve; Miller, Marna G..
Following an abstract, this article has sections that cover: meta-analytical procedures; cost-benefit procedures; findings for what reduces crime and what the costs and benefits are; and conclusions. This article describes the methodology behind, and includes some updates to, the 2006 report, "Evidence-Based Public Policy Options to Reduce Future Prison Construction, Criminal Justice Costs and Crime Rates." Programs evaluated are those operating in the adult and juvenile offender systems, as we... Read More
27 p.
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Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety (St. Paul, MN).
Minnesota’s juvenile justice system, its incarcerated youth, and strategies to address system reform are described. Some of the topics discussed include: overview; role and purpose of the juvenile court; terms to describe juvenile offenders; Juvenile Justice System Flow Chart; what disproportionate minority contact (DMC) is; crime rates nationally and in Minnesota; demographics of arrested youth; the number of youth that appear in juvenile court and are on probation; how many youth are transferr... Read More
27 p.
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The Second Century: Juvenile Justice Reform in Illinois
By Geraghty, Diane; Jacobs, Lisa; Wolff, Paula. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Models for Change (Washington, DC); Center for Children's Law and Policy (Washington, DC).
This report "describes a number of promising juvenile justice policies and practices in Illinois that provide a solid base for further reform efforts" (p. 2). Six chapters are contained in this publication: financial incentives to reduce youth confinement -- Redeploy Illinois; implementing JDAI in Illinois; challenging automatic transfer in Illinois -- research and advocacy working together for change; the Cook County Juvenile Court Clinic -- forging the link between clinical information and im... Read More
46 p.
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State-Level Detention Reform: A Practical Guide for State Advisory Groups
Annie E. Casey Foundation. Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) (Baltimore, MD); Coalition for Juvenile Justice (Washington, DC).
Strategies for developing and implementing an effective juvenile justice reform initiative are explained. This guide is comprised of the following sections: JDAI (Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative) -- simply the right thing to do; meeting SAG (state advisory group) goals and responsibilities; bolstering compliance with JJDPA (Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act) core requirements; building collaborative leadership for detention reform; funding and incentifying detention refo... Read More
66 p.
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Comprehensive Framework for Paroling Authorities in an Era of Evidence-Based Practice
By Campbell, Nancy M.. Campbell Consulting (Bainbridge Island, WA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
A “framework that identifies the characteristics and competencies that paroling authorities must have to be effective in implementing evidence-based practices in the context of transition programs and services” is presented (p.8). These sections follow an executive summary: introduction; the impact of history on current reform efforts; the key elements of the parole process—the institutional, reentry, community, and discharge phases; the foundation of system effectiveness—evidence-based practice... Read More
103 p.
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Changing Direction: A Bipartisan Team Paves a New Path for Sentencing and Corrections in Texas
Pew Charitable Trusts. Public Safety Performance Project (Washington, DC).
This interview with State Senator John Whitmire (D-Houston) and State Representative Jerry Madden (R-Plano) regards the enactment of their legislative package that focuses on treatment over incarceration. Topics discussed include: choosing a different path; overcoming partisan differences and concerns about being seen as soft on crime; reacting to an offender under supervision that commits a crime resulting in a backlash against this legislation; and where this issue could be taken in the next ... Read More
4 p.
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Moving Toward a More Integrative Approach to Justice Reform
By Beane, Catherine V.. Beane Consulting (New Orleans, LA); Open Society Institute-DC (Washington, DC).
“This report presents a vision of an integrated approach to justice reform -- an approach that utilizes multi-disciplinary collaboration to share perspective on the issues that fuel the cycle of incarceration, to promote public investments in effective intervention strategies, and to advance public safety by decreasing the likelihood that a person will engage in risky or criminal behavior, instead of building more prisons and jails” (p. 2). Sections following an executive summary include: introd... Read More
75 p.
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Addressing Addiction: Improving & Integrating California's Substance Abuse Treatment System
Little Hoover Commission (Sacramento, CA).
This report explains how to reduce substance abuse by "improving the state's treatment system, which will require building a new model of treatment based on science, efficient delivery of services in the right settings and, perhaps most of all, more leadership and guidance from policy-makers" (p. iii). Sections of this document are: executive summary; background; no system, no accountability; building a better system; Proposition 36 -- missed opportunities; conclusion; and the Commission's stud... Read More
126 p.
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Scotland's Choice: Report of the Scottish Prisons Commission, July 2008
Scottish Prisons Commission (Edinburgh, Scotland).
The use of imprisonment in Scotland and its direction for the future are examined. Six parts follow an executive summary: background and process; the choice -- how to use imprisonment and an opportunity for action; challenges and changes -- rethinking punishment, prosecution and court process, sentencing and managing sentences, and community justice, prisons, and resettlement; Custodial Sentences and Weapons Act 2007 of Scotland; the open prison estate; and Scotland's future.... Read More
82 p.
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Juvenile Justice Reform: Realigning Responsibilities
Little Hoover Commission (Sacramento, CA).
The realignment of responsibility for juvenile offenders from the state of California to its counties, except for the most serious juvenile offenders, is evaluated. Sections in addition to an executive summary are: juvenile justice in California; realignment leadership and oversight; juvenile offenders remaining at the state level; conclusion; and the Commission's study process. Three recommendations are made to address "the most serious threat to successful realignment . . . the lack of a lead... Read More
82 p.
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Pretrial Detention
Open Society Institute-New York. The Criminal Justice Initiative (New York, NY).
“This issue of Justice Initiatives looks at the global over-reliance on pretrial detention and examines the challenges of reducing and reforming its use” (p. 1). Articles contained in this publication are: “Reducing the Excessive Use of Pretrial Detention” by Mark Shaw; “Grand Ambitions, Modest Scale” by Todd Foglesong; “The Scale and Consequences of Pretrial Detention Around the World” by Martin Schonteich; “Boomerang: Seeking to Reform Pretrial Detention Practices in Chile” by Veronica Venegas... Read More
184 p.
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CDCR Presents "Pathways to Rehabilitation" Project Roadmap to Rehabilitation Oversight Board
California Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Office of Public and Employee Communications (Sacramento, CA).
An overview of the "Pathways to Rehabilitation" project demoing at the California State Prison Solano is presented. "The 'Pathways to Rehabilitation' project is a roadmap for implementing prison reforms that [ensure access to education, vocation training, and drug treatment programs and] will result in a higher percentage of inmates leaving prison and never coming back" (p. 1). There is also a weblink to a video about this project.... Read More
3 p.
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Influencing Public Policy: An Embedded Criminologist Reflects on California Prison Reform
By Petersilia, Joan.
The experiences of the author as an embedded criminologist participating in the reform of California's prisons are recounted. Sections following an abstract are: making the trek to Sacramento and the world of California crime policy; understanding California's crisis-fueled context for change; what the author set out to accomplish -- a twofold agenda; getting research to matter again; incorporating prisoner reentry into the state's mission; impact assessed -- where good intentions meet hard rea... Read More
22 p.
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PFO Law Reform, A Crucial First Step Toward Sentencing Sanity in Kentucky
By Lawson, Robert G..
The need to reform Kentucky's persistent felony law (PFO) in order to reduce overcrowding in the state's prisons and jails is explained. Sections of this article are: introduction; philosophy, purpose, and reality; Kentucky's 1974 PFO (persistent felony offender) law; RFO's (repeat offender laws) of other states; PFO practices in Fayette County (KY); PFO practices in Scott County (KY); a note on disappearing criminal trails; and conclusion.... Read More
36 p.
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Towards a New Consensus on Justice Reform: Mapping the Criminal Justice Sector
By Perlin, Jan; Baird, Michelle India. United Kingdom. Dept. for International Development (DFID) (London, England). Open Society Justice Initiative (Washington, DC).
"Th[is] report looks at the donors investing in criminal justice reform, their policies and areas of interest, the countries in which they invest, and existing collaboration among them" (website). Sections following an executive summary are: introduction; methodology; existing information on donor support for justice development; donors that support criminal justice reform; donor policies; countries and regions receiving aid; modes and channels of assistance; donor expenditures; donor collabora... Read More
119 p.
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Evidence-Based Judicial Discretion: Promoting Public Safety Through State Sentencing Reform
By Wolff, Michael A..
"Judge Wolff uses the example of Missouri's sentencing reforms to argue that states should adopt evidence-based sentencing, in which the effectiveness of different sentences and treatment programs are [sic] regularly evaluated" (p. 1389). This article is comprised of these sections: introduction; the problem of recidivism -- our punishment scheme is not working and people are ready for change; big ideas in sentencing -- reforms that have failed to address the problem of recidivism; small ideas ... Read More
31 p.
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Reorienting Progressive Perspectives for Twenty-First Century Punishment Realities
By Berman, Douglas A..
Twenty-first century practices of punishment are looked at so "progressives can develop a more effective blueprint for initiating desperately needed changes to modern American criminal justice systems" (p. 2) This article is comprised of these sections: taking stock of modern incarceration explosion in the U.S.; the distracting (and counter-productive) focus on innocence, death and disparities; ideas for reorienting progressive punishment advocacy; and conclusion.... Read More
20 p.
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Criminal Justice System Improvements
American Bar Association (Chicago, IL).
Recommendations for improving the criminal justice system are provided. Some of the recommendations are: set funding ratio at 50-50, law enforcement to prevention; support broad use of alternatives to incarceration; eliminate statutory mandatory minimum sentencing and sentencing disparities; support community reentry; reform the juvenile justice system; and provide federal funding for indigent defense services.... Read More
14 p.
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Making Court the Last Resort: A New Focus for Supporting Families in Crisis
By Mogulescu, Sara; Caro, Gaspar. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Vera Institute of Justice (New York, NY).
Strategies for "refer[ring] at-risk youth and their families to social service programs in their communities and us[ing] the juvenile justice system as a last resort" are described" (p. 3). Case studies are provided for: Florida's FINS/CINS (Families in Need of Services/Children in Need of Services) system -- serving families while saving dollars; PINS (Persons in Need of Support) reform in New York -- local partnerships with statewide impact; and building effective responses for Connecticut's ... Read More
16 p.
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Reform Criminal Justice Policies, Cut Government Costs
Correctional Association of New York (New York, NY).
Potential cost savings are provided for various reformed correctional practices in New York State. The context and recommendation/potential savings for the following are given: closing under utilized prisons; repealing the Rockefeller Drug Laws; reforming parole -- increasing diversion for technical parole violators and restoring fair and rational standards to parole release decision-making; increasing work release eligibility and population; additional cost savings measures -- expanding merit ... Read More
4 p.
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Getting the Genie Back in the Bottle: California's Prison Gulag
By Krisberg, Barry. National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) (Oakland, CA).
Reasons for the explosive growth in California's inmate population and ways to address this critical problem are explained. Sections included in this report are: distorting the scale of punishment; distorting the balance of state and county corrections; Proposition 36; when in doubt build more beds and "rediscover" rehabilitation; the way out of California's "corrections imbroglio" -- decarcerating women prisoners, repairing the prisoner reentry system; creating a new state-local partnership, a... Read More
12 p.
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Penal Reform and Gender
By Bastick, Megan, ed.; Valasek, Kristin, ed.. Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Oslo, Norway). King's College London. International Centre for Prison Studies (London, England); Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) (Geneva, Switzerland); Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) (Vienna, Austria); United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UN-INSTRAW) (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic).
“This tool on penal reform and gender provides guidance on responding to gender issues within penal systems” (. 1). This document contains the following sections: introduction; what penal reform is; five reasons why gender is important to penal reform; ten ways gender can be integrated into penal reform; integrating gender into penal reform in specific contexts—post-conflict countries, transitional countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, developing countries, and developed countries; and k... Read More
20 p.
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Detention Reform in Rural Jurisdictions: Challenges and Opportunities
By Mendel, Richard A.. Annie E. Casey Foundation (Baltimore, MD).
This publication “explores the special needs of rural communities and the special challenges they face in implementing the JDAI [Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative] model. It also details a variety of special techniques, tactics and strategies that can help rural areas accomplish detention reform effectively” (p. 14). Chapters include: the need to focus on rural detention reform; guiding principles; key characteristics of rural communities and youth; what makes rural detention reform dif... Read More
66 p.
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Handbook for Prison Managers and Policymakers on Women and Imprisonment
By Atabay, Tomris. United Nations. Office on Drugs and Crime (Vienna, Austria).
"The main focus of th[is] handbook is female prisoners and guidance on the components of a gender-sensitive approach to prison management, taking into account the typical background of female prisoners and their special needs as women in prison" (p. 1). Sections following an introduction include: the special needs of female prisoners; management of women's prisons; reducing the female prison population by reforming legislation and practice - suggested measures; management of women's prisons -- ... Read More
117 p.
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Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: Outcome and Process Measures
By Bogue, Brad; Woodward, Bill; Campbell, Nancy; Carey, Mark; Clawson, Elyse; Faust, Dorothy; Florio, Kate; Goldberg, Andrew Joplin, Lore Wasson, Billy. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
Outcome and process measures used to gage the effectiveness of the Integrated Model in reducing offender recidivism are presented. Each component found within a measure has information regarding its definition, tool/data source, description, frequency, and individual who collects the data. Components are organized into the following measures: recidivism; risk; proxy risk; supervision length; dosage; revocation and violation; program effectiveness; assessment; case plan; workload; violations; org... Read More
15 p.
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Implementing Effective Correctional Management of Offenders in the Community: Implementation Checklist
National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC). Crime and Justice Institute (Boston, MA).
A tool for "guid[ing] organizations in their self-assessment and planning for implementation of evidence-based practices for community corrections" is provided (p. 1). Eighteen components are organized into four areas: administration and planning; human resources and training; information systems, measurement, and evaluation; and assessment, case planning, interventions, and supervision.... Read More
15 p.
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Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers: Advisory Group Report and Recommendations, Phase I
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The Advisory Group, meeting in June 1998,, agreed unanimously that the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers should be amended in the interest of public protection. Key provisions would include the establishment of a nationwide governing commission charged with establishing the policy and practice of the ICS, as well as a mandatory funding mechanism to provide staffing and operation of centralized functions. Authority for rule making, rule enforcement, conflict reso... Read More
236 p.
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Corrections 2000: Policies for the Future
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). California Corrections Policy Development Project (Sacramento, CA); California Probation, Parole and Correctional Association (Sacramento, CA).
Mission and policy statements developed by the California Corrections Policy Development Project address: system integration, balanced funding, sentencing, punishment options, substance abuse, prevention, victims, staffing, demographic changes, and public education. Concluding remarks define attributes of an effective correctional system. Appendices review the current state of corrections in California and contributing factors in addition to providing background information on the policy projec... Read More
40 p.
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Using Policy Simulation Analysis to Guide Correctional Reform: The Utah Experience
By Austin, James; Joe, Karen; Litsky, Paul. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Edna McConnell Clark Foundation (New York, NY). National Council on Crime and Delinquency (San Francisco, CA).
By analyzing current sentencing practices and dispositional guidelines for probation, prison, and parole caseloads and comparing these current practices with other well established correctional screening tools through statistical simulation analysis, this study intends to provide legislators with estimates of the impact of proposed policy modifications on sentencing, classification, and correctional population size.... Read More
54 p.

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