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You are here: Topics > Biological and physical processes > Atmospheric and climatic processes
Climate change
Long-term alteration in the characteristic weather conditions of a region, such as changes in precipitation and temperature.
Desertification (5 items)
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Results 31 - 40 of 68 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Fifty-Year Record of Glacier Change Reveals Shifting Climate in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, USA [More info]
Accelerating loss of mass, weakening correlation with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and increasing mass turnover likely are the result of changes to warmer and drier climate conditions that are affecting three well-studied glaciers.
Global Change Hydrology Program (hydroclimatology) [More info]
Review of the Global Change Hydrology Program components relating to hydroclimatology and studies of the biogeochemistry of greenhouse gases with links to research activities, datasets, fact sheets, and other publications and websites.
Gulf of Mexico Climate-History Calibration Study [More info]
Proxy methods allow us to estimate ancient ocean temperatures but only if the method is calibrated using modern samples for which we measure the temperature. This is a proxy method using a sediment trap to collect planktonic foraminifera.
The role of climate in estuarine variability [More info]
Article from American Scientist on study of the San Francisco Bay estuary as a component of the global climate system showing that natural fluctuations might be mistaken for anthropogenic trends affecting waterflow and salinity.
PDF A Climate Trend Analysis of Burkina Faso [More info]
Summer rains have remained steady over the past 20 years, but are less than historic highs. Temperature has increased, and while the farmland per person is decreasing, population growth has been offset with improved yields.
PDF A Climate Trend Analysis of Niger [More info]
While summer rains have increased during the past 20 years, temperatures have increased as well, amplifying the effects of droughts. Crop yields are low but the population is growing, pointing to rising food insecurity.
PDF A climate trend analysis of Chad [More info]
Long-term reduction in rainfall and increasing temperature threaten Chad's future food production prospects; combined with rapid population growth and zones of substantial conflict, increasing numbers of people will be at risk.
PDF A climate trend analysis of Ethiopia [More info]
Recent trends in March-June, June-September, and March-September rainfall and temperature, identifying significant reductions in rainfall and increases in temperature over time in this area.
PDF A climate trend analysis of Kenya-August 2010 [More info]
Crop areas in west central Kenya are affected by decline in rainfall over several decades; the effects may be exacerbated by overall warming in the region
PDF A climate trend analysis of Mali [More info]
Summer rains have remained steady for the past 20 years, but are below the long-term average. Current population and agricultural trends indicate increasing yields have offset population expansion, keeping per capita cereal production steady.
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