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Evidence-Based Judicial Discretion: Promoting Public Safety Through State Sentencing Reform

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Dec. 18, 2008

Library ID

  • 023441


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  • 2008
  • 31 pages.

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  • Evidence-Based Judicial Discretion: Promoting Public Safety Through State Sentencing Reform

ANNOTATION: "Judge Wolff uses the example of Missouri's sentencing reforms to argue that states should adopt evidence-based sentencing, in which the effectiveness of different sentences and treatment programs are [sic] regularly evaluated" (p. 1389). This article is comprised of these sections: introduction; the problem of recidivism -- our punishment scheme is not working and people are ready for change; big ideas in sentencing -- reforms that have failed to address the problem of recidivism; small ideas for reform -- creating informed discretion through risk assessment; rehabilitating offenders -- drug courts and other therapeutic courts; principles and recommendations; offender recidivism rates, by offense and punishment type, for the 25 most numerous offenses, 1995-2005; and top 25 offenses, by difference in recidivism, 1995-2005.

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