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Olson Statement on Supreme Court Nominee

Washington, DC – Rep. Pete Olson today issued the following statement in response to the White House nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court:

“Elena Kagan clearly has an impressive record in government and academia.  However, her light written record and lack of service as a judge make it all the more important for the Senate to engage in a thorough and meticulous – yet fair and respectful – analysis to gauge what kind of justice Ms. Kagan will be. 

“For instance, the position taken by Ms. Kagan and her colleagues at Harvard Law School – a position arguing that the school is allowed to prohibit the military from recruiting on campus because it would otherwise undermine free speech – was rejected by the Supreme Court by a vote of 8-0.

“The Senate must ask pressing questions regarding this and other positions she has taken to determine if she is indeed qualified for a seat on our nation’s highest court.”


Media Contact: Melissa Kelly