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Olson Statement on 37th Annual March For Life

Rep. Pete Olson today issued the following statement in support of the 37th annual March for Life:

“For 37 years, citizens across America have rallied to our nation’s Capitol in support of life. I applaud the dedication and commitment of each and every individual who prayerfully and peacefully demonstrates their support for the sanctity of human life. The tens of thousands of Americans marching for life give voice to the innocent unborn. 

“I was also heartened at the recent show of support for life as thousands gathered to protest the opening of a new Planned Parenthood clinic in Houston.  This 78,000 square foot clinic will not only educate people on how to destroy life, but will also be equipped to perform late term abortions. While this is disturbing in and of itself, we must also ensure that taxpayer funds are not used for these activities.

“That is why the first piece of legislation I introduced as a member of Congress was the Taxpayer Conscience Protection Act." This bill would require states to document whether any funds they received through Medicaid are spent on organizations that perform, promote, or refer for abortion services.  Organizations like Planned Parenthood are eligible to receive Medicaid funds.  My bill would ensure that no federal tax dollars would ever be allowed to be used to perform an abortion.”


Contact: Melissa Kelly