Heck Votes to Repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board

Mar 22, 2012 Issues: Health


Contact: Greg Lemon


WASHINGTON – Congressman Joe Heck (R-NV-03) today released the following statement after the House voted to repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board:

"Nevada's seniors don't want unelected, unaccountable Washington bureaucrats coming between them and the Medicare services they rely on," Rep. Heck said. "This rationing board, created by the health care reform law, is tasked with reducing Medicare spending which would have a devastating effect on access to care for seniors on Medicare. This is another example of the misguided, anti-Medicare provisions in the law that must be repealed and replaced with patient-centered reforms that increase access to care for all Americans."

Rep. Heck continued, "In addition to repealing the Medicare rationing board, this legislation also makes meaningful medical liability reforms at the federal level without preempting Nevada's own carefully written statute.  This common sense change will also help ensure access to health care and halt the expensive practice of defensive medicine."
