Frankly Speaking

American Energy: Obama’s Actions Speak Louder Than His Words

May 17, 2012

Washington, D.C.  - President Barack Obama has been hitting the campaign trail hard touting his administration’s “all-of-the-above” energy policy. Unfortunately, when it comes to domestic energy, his actions speak louder than his words.

Filed under: Agriculture, Agriculture Committee, Constituent Services, Economy, Energy

Time to Act on the “Forgotten 27” Jobs Bills is Now

Feb 17, 2012

When President Barack Obama took office in 2009, he promised Americans he would cut our national debt in half by the end of his first term. He also promised if we passed the stimulus our national unemployment rate would stay below 8 percent. The end of the president’s first term is quickly approaching and he has yet to fulfill the promises he made.

Filed under: Agriculture Committee, Economy

Delay in Approval of Keystone Pipeline is a Delay in Job Creation

Jan 17, 2012

On December 23, 2011, President Barack Obama signed into law H.R. 3765, which requires the President to consider issuing a permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline within 60 days, unless he determines the project would not serve the interest of the United States. This project would create 20,000 direct jobs and spur the creation of 118,000 spin-off jobs. Additionally, the pipeline will carry 100,000 barrels per day of oil from the U.S. Bakken to Oklahoma and Gulf Coast refineries, while in-turn easing our dependence on foreign countries for U.S. oil supply.

Filed under: Agriculture, Economy, Energy

Washington D.C. Internship Opportunities

Oct 31, 2011

I know many college students are either required or encouraged to do an internship at some point during their undergraduate study. I believe internships are a great way for students to learn how to step out of school and be successful in a full-time working environment. I am urging all college-aged students in Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District to apply for the spring 2012 internship in my Washington D.C. congressional office.

Filed under: Constituent Services

Apply for One of the United States Service Academies

Sep 20, 2011

I am pleased to announce our office is now accepting applications from students in Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District to be nominated for the 2011 United States Service Academies. As your Congressman, I have the honor of nominating young men and women from the Third Congressional District to attend our nation’s service academies each year. I am encouraging students to apply for this opportunity to get a first-rate education and serve our country by attending a service academy.

Filed under: Constituent Services

Implementation of Free Trade Agreements Should Happen Now

Aug 8, 2011

Delays in implementation of three pending free trade agreements between the U.S. and Colombia, Panama and South Korea are costing the United States in market share and access to foreign competitors. Recently, the White House insisted on Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) in return for implementing free trade agreements. This further delays the creation of many jobs and economic growth in America. Trade agreements have already been negotiated, agreed to and signed by the United States, however, an up or down vote in Congress has yet to occur.

Filed under: Agriculture

Congressman Lucas Hails Passage of H.R. 2021, Jobs and Energy Permitting Act

Jun 23, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Frank Lucas recently joined his colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives in voting for passage of H.R. 2021, a bill that ensures the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System remains operable. The bill provides a major step forward in ensuring more jobs and energy independence in America by eliminating needless permitting delays from the Environmental Protection Agency.

Filed under: Economy

Job Creation is Key to Restoring America's Economy

Jun 22, 2011

It is no secret that trillions in spending and an increase in government red tape has caused many Americans to lose their jobs and resulted in a sluggish economy. More than 13.9 million Americans were unable to find work in May. Some have been seeking employment for months, but are starting to give up hope. From visiting with my constituents of Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District and listening to their concerns, I know something must be done to increase the number of jobs and get the economy back on track.

Filed under: Economy

Congressional Art Contest Application Process Begins

Mar 11, 2011

I am pleased to announce that the application process for the annual Congressional Art Contest has begun.

Filed under: Constituent Services

1099 Requirement Yet Another Burden on America's Small Businesses

Mar 4, 2011

Buried within the more than 2,000 page health care law passed by the former Democratic majority and current administration, one of the dozens of mandates included in the legislation had nothing to do with improving the health care in this country.  This mandate--a new 1099 form expansion--requires businesses to issue a 1099 form for payments of goods and services that exceed $600 per year. This requirement creates an overwhelming amount of paperwork that would hinder the overall effectiveness of every business and reduce potential growth.

Filed under: Economy
