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NETL Research Results in New U.S. Patents
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) received nine patents in 2012 for innovations that address the Nation’s energy challenges. The patents include an integrated process for removing pollutants from fossil-fuel combustion systems; a metallurgical melting process to produce defective-free metal ingots; catalysts that make it easier to reform hydrocarbon fuels; stainless steel compositions and heat treatment processes to enhance stainless steel durability; a method to measure the circulation rate of coal solids in gasification reactors; and a process to separate and purify carbon dioxide (CO2). Deployment of these technologies will enhance energy efficiency, improve metallurgical processes, and allow for better emissions monitoring and control.
Researching the Climate Change Implications of Methane Hydrates

What role do methane hydrates play in the global carbon cycle? How might Earth's vast stores of hydrates respond to a warming climate?  What impacts could large-scale gas hydrate dissociation have on the world's environment?  Working with other federal agencies and academia, NETL seeks to answer these and other vexing questions about methane hydrates or "fire ice." Read about this research in the latest edition of Environment Coastal & Offshore magazine here.  Browse the entire edition here.