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Pelosi Remarks at 93rd Annual American Legion National Convention

August 31, 2011

Minneapolis – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks today in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the 93rd Annual American Legion National Convention. Watch Leader Pelosi's remarks on the American Legion website»

Below are the Leader’s remarks as prepared for delivery: 

“Thank you, National Commander Jimmie Foster.

“It is my honor to bring greetings and thanks from the Congress of the United States to Commander Foster and to all the Legionnaires.  I am especially honored to be with you as we approach the 10 year anniversary of 9/11.

“Thank you, Commander Foster, for your kind introduction, for your leadership, and for your service to our country as a Marine and to your fellow veterans and Legionnaires.

“When Congress worked with you to pass the omnibus veterans benefits bill last year – to provide support to veterans and caregivers – the American Legion said it ‘offers bold solutions to major challenges facing service members, veterans, and their families.’

“The same could be said of Commander Foster’s tenure – and of the work of all Legionnaires: bold leaders for your communities, committed to helping your fellow men and women in uniform face every challenge, overcome any obstacle, and succeed.

“As a Californian, I’d especially like to take this opportunity to recognize the American Legion’s Department of California and its Commander, Mark Foxworthy.

“As a proud daughter of Baltimore, I also want to acknowledge the work of the Department of Maryland and its Commander, Michael Mooney.  The D’Alesandro family took great pride that four of my brothers wore the Army’s uniform.

“On behalf of my colleagues, I want to thank you for awarding the Distinguished Service Medal – the Legion’s highest civilian honor – to Chairman Chet Edwards.

“When he was in the House, he served admirably as Chairman of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, leading the charge to provide the VA with Advanced Appropriations and authoring the largest-ever increase in veterans’ health care.  Before he was chairman, he played a key role in crafting and passing the landmark Post-9/11 GI Bill. 

“Thank you for placing Chairman Edwards in such distinguished company and for recognizing his many achievements.

“For the men and women of the American Legion, service is not simply a lofty goal, but a way of life; sacrifice is what binds you together, heroism what sets you apart.

“From the first Legionnaires, the veterans of World War I, to your newest members, those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, you embody the call to serve – your country, your neighbors, your fellow veterans.

“On the battlefield, your mission is to ensure the safety and security of our nation.  At home, your task is to uphold our moral responsibility to serve and support all of our soldiers – with deeds, not just words.

“Legionnaires go beyond the call of duty, making a difference in their local communities.  Consider what local Legion posts have given back: nearly 4 million hours of community service, more than $2.3 million for emergency aid, more than 3,600 veterans placed in jobs with help from the Legion, almost 14,000 college scholarships granted by local posts.

“These figures represent just a fraction of the extraordinary work you do to strengthen our nation every day.  Thank you, Legionnaires, for always staying true to your mission of ‘mutual helpfulness’ – on the front lines abroad and at home.

“The spirit of the American Legion – and of so many veterans – was captured in the recent story of Marine Captain Brian Stann.

“In the heat of combat in Iraq, Captain Stann protected his unit while surrounded by enemy forces and coming under heavy fire.  In a distant desert, he saved the lives of his fellow Marines.  Upon his return home, he won a Silver Star for his heroism and courage.

“Some in his unit were lost on the battlefield that day and would never see their native soil again.

“And when back in the United States, Captain Stann knew he had to find a way to honor the memory and the sacrifice of his fallen brothers-in-arms.  Because, in his words, ‘I lost friends who will never have the opportunities I’ve had… I live every day for them.’

“For Captain Stann, ‘living every day for them’ meant starting Hire Heroes, an organization to help returning veterans reenter the workforce and find jobs. 

“As you know, it connects employers with veterans and helps soldiers craft their resumes, prepare for interviews, apply skills learned in the military to civilian life.

“Echoing the work of Captain Stann’s effort with Hire Heroes, Congressman Sanford Bishop authored the Hiring Heroes Act to: increase contracting opportunities for veteran-owned small businesses so they can grow, hire, and boost our economy; help veterans obtain good jobs by strengthening training initiatives and encouraging businesses and government contractors to hire the men and women of our armed forces.

“And if we, as a nation, as a people, as a community of Americans, are to ‘live every day’ for our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines, we cannot accept high jobless rates for veterans and a lack of opportunity for those who serve. 

“We must make job creation and economic growth a priority for our veterans and for all Americans.

“Congressman Tim Walz, the highest-ranking enlisted soldier ever to serve in Congress, introduced a bill to cut bureaucratic red tape and offer employers a tax credit for hiring unemployed veterans discharged from the military in the last 5 years – the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Our ‘Make It In America’ initiative – a plan to create jobs and strengthen our manufacturing, industrial, and technological base – includes measures to put veterans to work in the good-paying, clean energy jobs of tomorrow, legislation that Congressman Keith Ellison was crucial in supporting.

“Supporting our veterans is a bipartisan cause.  I know you heard from the Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee Jeff Miller this morning.

“We must work together – Democrats and Republicans, with the American Legion by our side – to pass these critical measures and invest in the economic well-being of all of our service members and their families.

“Yesterday, you heard from President Obama about his comprehensive agenda to expand job opportunities for America’s veterans and ensure they have the support they need and deserve to enter the civilian workforce.

“Following the American Legion’s lead, the President’s plan: offers tax credits to hire unemployed veterans and wounded warriors; challenges the private sector to do their part to hire and train veterans and their spouses; and pushes federal agencies to update the way they educate and prepare soldiers for the transition to civilian life, and improving how they hire and retain veterans.

“These steps are critical to our community of veterans and to the strength of our economy.  Because ensuring that veterans are given a chance to succeed as small business owners develops entrepreneurship and encourages growth.

“To strengthen veteran entrepreneurs, the Legion is pushing the Small Business Administration to boost outreach to veteran-owned businesses, encourage and aid their growth, and ensure they can access the capital they need to expand and thrive.
“In the weeks ahead, Congress will take up the budget at the table of twelve.  I want the American Legion and all of America to know that the values of America’s veterans will be present at the table.

“That America’s veterans will not be shortchanged as we reduce the deficit.  That job creation and economic growth must prevail.

“Our work will not be complete until every American who has fought for our country abroad can find a job when they come home.

“We must build a future worthy of our veterans’ sacrifice.  We must build an economy that welcomes our service members home with opportunity, a paycheck, and a fair shot to succeed.

“Working with the American Legion, we can continue to make progress for the health, stability, and security of our veterans.

“With your voices, your advocacy, your leadership, we can meet today’s challenge: putting veterans to work, and, in doing so, strengthening the economy for all Americans.

“America’s veterans have earned our respect by their actions, their bravery and valor, their willingness to step forward and serve on our behalf. 

“In the words of one former Marine, ‘I do believe that we have something to contribute.  We know how to lead.’

“It is this spirit – this willingness to contribute, this desire to lead, this urge to give back – that characterizes millions of service members. 

“You believe in the potential of our country.  You live by the values that make our military the finest fighting force in the world – and that will make our economy a bastion of prosperity.
“We must make certain that our nation lives up to the ideals protected and preserved by those who serve: as a beacon of opportunity for all; as the land of the free and the home of the brave.

“As Captain Stann said, we must ‘live every day for them’ – for the men and women who volunteer, who put their lives on the line, who fight on distant shores so we can know safety, security, and freedom here at home.

“Together with the American Legion, we will continue to uphold our solemn pledge: just as the military leaves no one behind on the battlefield, we will leave no veteran behind when they come home.

“God bless our veterans, our troops, and their families.  God bless the American Legion.  May God always bless the United States of America.”